Page 37 of A Dangerous Prize

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"So by 'low-key,' you actually meant 'inaccessible to anyone with less than an eight-figure net worth.'"

I snort, and then I signal the server for Natalie's drink order. She requests a club soda with lime.

"I was turned away at the door, you know," Natalie says, eyes glinting with humor. "Until I mentioned your name."

I can't help preening a little. Maybe I chose this place partly to flatter my own ego, though I'd never admit that to Natalie. "Well, I'm glad some of my former influence remains intact," is all I say.

As she settles into her seat, her gaze lingers on the surroundings, an unspoken acknowledgment of the world I'm part of. "So, this is how the other half lives?" she teases at last, and I'm almost surprised to see her eyes twinkling. "Must be nice."

I play along, the familiar thrill of verbal sparring with her taking over. "It's a tough life, but someone's got to live it. And you, in those jeans that hug your ass, are a sight for sore eyes in this stuffy place."

She laughs, a genuine, unguarded sound that warms something inside me. "Well, I didn't get a memo about the dress code—again," she says, her gaze holding mine. I smile, remembering how I turned up at "Natalie Moreau's" penthouse in jeans, while Natalie hurriedly changed out of a dressy outfit so we could go and serve at Anna's Kitchen. "But I suppose I stood out less on the subway this way."

"I doubt that. You always manage to stand out, Natalie. Since I met you, I haven't been able to take my eyes off of you."

She catches her breath, and I'm pleased to see a flush. But she quashes her grin. "I suppose we should discuss business."

I nod, sobering. "Elena. We need to get her someplace safe, and soon."

"Agreed. But your safe house is clearly compromised." Natalie frowns. "I still have contacts within the Bureau. Perhaps WitSec..."

"Don't be absurd," I say briskly, and Natalie rolls her eyes. "Anyway, I've already arranged a few things. Since the Ruby is reopening Friday night—"

"It is?" she breaks in, eyebrows going up.

"Yes, it is," I say firmly. "That means I need to move Elena before then. And I do have a place. Not the safe house in Queens," I add quickly. "Somewhere else."

"Where?" she asks dubiously.

I shift a little in my seat as her drink arrives at the table. "I can't say."

Natalie regards me for a moment. "I'd ask why you think you can't trust me, but…" She gives a one-shouldered shrug.

"It's not that. Well, it's partly that. But it's…complicated."

Natalie nods, her expression hardening. "Yes, it’s a mess. And Elena’s caught right in the middle. She’s just a kid. We can’t let her become collateral damage." She hesitates. "Alessa, if we're caught..."

I reach across the table, grasping her hand. Her skin is smooth and warm. "We won't be. Have some faith, Natalie."

The air charges between us. Natalie's eyes lock onto mine. For a suspended moment, the restaurant fades away. I am lost in dark chocolate pools, pink lips slightly parted...

I pull back, the ghost of her touch still branded on my skin. Natalie ducks her head, a pretty blush blooming on her cheeks.

A distraction arrives in the form of our first course. We busy ourselves with small talk of the food and wine. But my mind churns.

Only days ago, I thought to seduce this woman to punish her treachery. But now, gazing at Natalie over flickering candles, my desire stems from a different hunger entirely.

The meal concludes with promises to reconnect soon. At the door, Natalie squeezes my arm. "Let me know when you're moving Elena. I want to be there to help. I'll ditch any unwanted shadows."

"You're sure you want to do this?"

"I am." She hesitates, and her hand on my arm trails down to mine, takes my fingers in hers. "Be safe, Alessa." Her voice resonates with unspoken meaning.

"You, too."

I watch her disappear into the night. Feelings were never part of my life plan, yet here they are, undeniable and growing stronger each time I look at her.

Even though she's on the side of the angels and I'm…well, on the side of humanity, perhaps. Despite our differences, I'm besotted. Abso-fucking-lutely besotted.
