Page 92 of Ghoul as a Cucumber

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“You…” I can’t believe this is happening. “You gave Pax a speech.”

“It went something like this.” Edwards dark orbs bore into mine. “Brianna, I fell in love with your courage, and your kindness. And even when the world has told you that you are wrong, or strange, or odd, you have never been those things to me. To me, you are perfect. You are the reason I don’t want to fall asleep at night, because the waking world is finally better than my wildest, most debauched dreams. I love you to the point of madness, and if even if you were to never feel for me as I do for you, I would not be a slave to my love, because my love for you has freed me from the weight and the pain of life. You have freed me, and I am always yours.”

“I have some things to say, too,” Ambrose declares as he climbs on the bed on the other side of me. “I had the most amazing day today, at a real job, talking to people about history. And it’s all because of you, Bree. You taught me that I can be happy anywhere, and you made the afterlife a joy. I can’t wait to spend my days as a Living man with you. Loving you is the greatest adventure.”

Gods. The three of them…

Pax, who did something so utterly out of character as to go to Edward for help just to show me the depth of his feelings. Edward, who is here even though he’s still a ghost and we have no clue if we can ever make him real again. And Ambrose, who has been through hell and back but never ever has anything but a smile and a kind word for everyone.

My heart hammers against my chest.

“I…” I flick my gaze between Pax and Edward. I touch Ambrose’s cheek. “I love you. I loveallof you.”

The words rush out of me. As soon as I say them, the fear creeps in…a crawling sensation in my veins that this love of ours is doomed, that one day I’m going to lose them.

In New Zealand, I went bungy jumping with a group of backpackers. I remember standing on the edge of the platform, staring down at a canyon. The guy gave my bungy cord a final tug and told me I was safe to jump…

No one is safe when they leap over the side of a cliff, not when every atom in my body screamed at me to turn back, that bodies aren’t supposed to go over cliffs, that girls like me, girls with powers I cannot explain, aren’t supposed to fall in love.

But I’m tired of holding myself back. It’s terrifying out here on the ledge, but I can’t go back now, not when I’ve waited so long for them.

So I jump…

And I land in their arms, and on their cocks. I close my eyes and lose myself in the sensations. Their hands slide all over me, rolling my nipples in their fingers, dragging their nails down my back, teasing and tickling me. Everywhere Edward touches, he leaves a trail of heat across my skin, like ghost dust.

And as Ambrose enters me with a happy little sigh and Edward takes a nipple in his mouth and Pax cups my cheeks with his huge hands and kisses me like I am his goddess, I know that I never have to worry about falling again.

I have my parachute.



“Wake up!” My dad’s voice calls through the halls, followed by a familiarCLANG CLANG CLANGthat rattles my teeth.

Both Mum and I are not morning people, so whenever Dad had to get us up for an early appointment, he’d roam through the echoey halls of Grimwood, banging a wooden spoon on the bottom of his cast iron skillet.


“Time to go, Sylvie, Bree!”

“Rot in hell!” I yell back, slamming a pillow over my head.

“Consider yourself divorced!” my mum screeches from the other end of the wing.

The day of the Grimdale Giant Vegetable Festival has arrived.

Annoyingly, this means that we must get up at the asscrack of dawn to harvest Dad’s cucumber and bring it to the judging tent before the festival begins.

“I am ready!” Pax booms as he slides his feet into his sandals. He always gets up at sunrise. “May the gods smile upon your vegetables.”

“I too am ready for an exciting day at the festival.” Ambrose tucks in his shirt.

Why is everyone so bloodycheerful?

Oh, right. It probably has something to do with the incredible sex we had last night. All four of us, together. And the fact that Mum and Dad didn’t bat an eye that Pax and Ambrose didn’t go back to Nevermore Bookshop.

Pax grabs my ankles and drags me out from under the sheets. “You must arise! We have a festival to win. This is even more exciting than the gladiator games! I’ve been practising my lewd hand signals for the other contestant’s vegetables.”
