Page 25 of Silent Girl

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“So this is where you live?” Liam asks, bending his head to look up at the building I’m driving up to.



“Nope, I have a roommate, of the male variety,” I say, leaving out the fact that he’s also a cat.

“You have a boyfriend? You never mentioned it…”

“You never asked,” I remind him.

“Who is he?”


“I like to size up my competition. If I’m going to win you over, then I need to know what I’m up against.” Liam smirks.

“You won’t win against Casper. He’s perfect, loves cuddling up to me, listens to me talk all the time, and never complains. Oh, and he’s always there when I need him.”

“Sounds like a douche,” Liam pouts.

I gasp. “Take that back. Casper is not a douche.”

“Nope, he’s most definitely a douche. I have a sixth sense about these things.”

I park the car and switch the engine off. “Come on, I won’t be long. I’m just going to shower and change.”

Liam follows me into the elevator, his hand resting on the lower part of my back. I step aside to get out of his reach. Not that it works. The guy is so huge it’s hard to create distance in such a small space. And when he takes a step closer to me, again resting his hand on my lower back, I look up and glare at him. “Stop it,” I warn.

“Stop what?” he asks me.

“You know what. Stop touching me,” I say right as the door opens.

“You like it when I touch you.” He grins.

I’m still glaring up at him, trying to deny his claim, even though my body very much agrees with it, when I hear the familiar click of a safety being taken off a gun. My head turns to see my brother Vinny pointing a pistol directly at Liam’s head.

I jump in front of him. “Vinny, put that away, damn it. What the hell are you doing here?” As I’m asking this, Liam effortlessly picks me up and shoves me behind him, while wrapping an arm around his back to hold me in place.

“You have two seconds to let my sister go before I shoot you,” Vinny says in that eerily calm voice that he’s mastered. He almost sounds bored. But I know better. He is out of his damn mind right now. Raging on the inside.

“Yeah, I’m not letting her go until you put that down,” Liam says.

What the hell is he thinking?My brother isn’t going to hurt me. I lower my mouth onto Liam’s back and bite down.

“Ow, did you just bite me?” he asks, turning his head to look at me, while keeping his eye on Vinny and that damn gun.

“Yes, let me go. He’s not going to shoot me, idiot. But you, he most certainly will.”

“Aliyah, I’m not letting you stand in front of a loaded gun. Are you insane?” he asks me.

“Lia, who the fuck is this fuckwit?” Vinny says at the same time.

I push at Liam and manage to get out of his hold. Stepping to the side, I take the gun from my brother, who I know only lets me because he has several others strapped to his body. “This fuckwit is Liam King, the Knights’ latest asset. You can’t shoot him. Dad paid millions to get him here, Vinny.”

“I don’t think Dad will care when I mention how I found this guy with his hands all over you.” Vinny hasn’t stopped staring at Liam. “And what the hell are you wearing? Where’ve you been all night?”

“I stayed at a friend’s. And I borrowed a sweater. Shesh, are you the fashion police now too?”
