Page 5 of Just Tonight

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Today was Wednesday, and that was why she’d been plucking up the courage to call him. But he’d called her first.

Now, what was going on?

Connor was turning again, this time down a road that led to a small group of buildings. There was a supermarket, and a dry cleaners, and a hardware store - and, next to them, a police station.

A police station? Was this where they were going? It had to be, Cami guessed.

Sure enough, he parked in the small lot behind the building and climbed out. Still without saying a word to her, he led the way inside, greeting the officer in the lobby and heading straight down the corridor, as if this had been prearranged.

Had it, Cami wondered. And if so, what did it mean?

Connor opened the door at the end of the corridor, which led to a small office. It was the type of place that they would sometimes borrow from the local police while on cases, to look through evidence or do research or even interview a suspect, rather than going all the way back to the FBI office. Only they weren't on a case right now. Were they?

Cami didn't know. She felt confused, and now also scared. This was unlike the usual routine she'd ever had with Connor and he was acting totally differently, and because he wasn't talking, all she could do was keep her own mouth shut and try to appear calm, although the racing of her pulse was far beyond her control.

Connor closed the door behind her. The small office was silent, and quite warm. There were plug points in the middle of the desk, and Cami also noticed a flask of coffee on the side table, and a few sachets of sugar and long-life cream had been placed in a saucer. It seemed like this office was expecting to have people come and work in it. Had they been expected here, and had this little place been set up especially for them? If so, why? Why were they here, and why was Connor behaving so weirdly?

At least, Cami thought, she’d get answers now. She would surely have to, because they’d gotten where they were going, and the door was now closed. There was nothing to do but discuss what was going on – surely? Or were there more surprises in store?

He sat down on one side of the desk, and Cami sat on the other.

"You're probably wondering what this is all about," he said at last.

"Wondering?" Cami blurted out the word before she could stop herself. "I've been - well, I've been stressing, to be honest, Connor. What's happening?"

"We can't work from my office today," he said slowly. “There are circumstances preventing that from being possible, for now.”

"Why's that?" Cami thought of the familiarity of the FBI offices. Having been there so many times, she could find the way to Connor's office blindfolded. She was even on friendly terms with the security guard who usually manned the entrance. Why couldn't Connor go there today? Or maybe it was to do with her?

"Following a few developments last week, which I kept track of while I was away, and which I’ll tell you about in more detail now," Connor began, "I asked for a sweep of my office yesterday."

He looked at her, his face serious, as her heart rate hit the stratosphere.

"Long story short, they found my office was bugged," he told her.


Cami stared at Connor, wordlessly.

Whatever she'd expected him to say, it wasn't that.


Questions flooded her mind, and she finally managed to get the first one out.

“Do they know who it is?” she asked, her voice small and hoarse.

He nodded. “They strongly suspect.”

“And – who?”

He gave her a knowing look. "Why are you asking when you were on the brink of telling?"

Cami now gaped at him. This had something to do with what had happened last week. With Jacenta? It seemed so. But how had Jacenta known when she hadn’t said a thing? How had Connor known?

“I don’t understand how this happened,” she said huskily.

Connor didn’t answer immediately. Instead, he got up and he walked over to the side table, and he poured two cups of coffee, fixing Cami’s just the way he knew she liked it. A touch of cream and one sugar. He brought the coffee over.
