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“Stay. I’ll make you a cup of coffee or hot chocolate.”

“I don’t wish to impose.”

“I’m all alone in this house. I could use the company.”

Removing his navy jacket, he hung it over a chair and stared at me. Evan was very fashionable. He never wore expensive Armani suits like Noah, but his style was just as attractive. Every time I saw him, he was wearing something new: designer brands in men’s jeans, shirts, coats, shoes, accessories… you name it. I guess being rich and best friends with fashion designers had its perks.

“Tea, coffee, or hot coco?”

“Coffee, please—black, no sugar.” He hovered close by while I got a pot of dark roast brewing.

“I’m excited about this exhibit next week! Is there a specific theme?”

“Yes.” Evan hovered close to me. “Innocence Interrupted.”

I smiled, meeting his dark, shiny eyes. “I’m sure it’s gonna be amazing!”

“I’m happy you’re coming. It means a lot to me, Aria.”

Evan’s eye contact was always so intense with me, as if he were trying to tell me something without actually saying it out loud: soul language. I had yet to become fluent. Jade’s cheerful voice broke the spell as she entered the kitchen.

“Evan’s here? Hi!”

“Hey, Jade!”

She greeted him with a lingering hug, blushing when he complimented her outfit. For a while, I sensed Jade had a crush on him, though the idea of them dating did not bother me. She and Evan would have made an attractive couple. Jade was stunning, but her beautiful heart made her prettier.

“Love the piercing and new ink!” she noticed, checking him out. “Boy, you are fine as hell! How are you single?”

He chuckled, leaning his weight against the counter. “I’m just waiting for the right woman to tie me down.”

“Are you looking?” She flirted.

“Are you applying for the position?”

“Hmm…”—Jade bit her lip—“I don’t know. The line up to date me islong. I’m not sure if you could handle the competition.”

“I’d make you go exclusive with me. Don’t worry.”

“Oooh, he’s cocky!”

“Not at all. Cocky is more like: if I took you out on a date, you’d delete all those numbers and edit my name on your phone as ‘future hubby.’ Why waste your time on a boy, when you can date arealman who knows how to treat a woman?” He stepped closer to Jade. “You’ve got the real deal standing in front of you.”

“He’s not messing around, is he?” Jade giggled. “You’re intense, but I like that… and confidence is sexy.”

Their chemistry was obvious, I noticed, fixing a cup of tea.

“You should come to my show tomorrow night! I’m performing some songs at Lavva Lounge—it’ll be an intimate setting. Ally and Aria will be there. I’d love it if you came.”

“You sing?” Evan seemed surprised.

“And dance.” Jade smiled.

“Prove it.”

She shuffled through some songs on her phone and played “Drunk in Love.” Beyoncé was incredibly talented. I just never had the chance to have the concert experience and watch her perform. But this song wasdefinitelysomething I would dance to.

Cranking up the volume, Jade started a full-on solo dance routine.
