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While everyone was partying on the main floor, Noah was upstairs with two women. His spacious bedroom was encased in frosted glass and uniquely designed with pot lights and blueLEDs around his bed frame. Taking off his shirt, Noah sat on the edge of his bed while his “friends” disrobed.

He made two neat lines of cocaine on his mirrored nightstand before he rolled up a twenty-dollar bill and snorted the powder. Sniffling a few times, he repeated the same method until all the “sugar dust” had disappeared, reaching the back of his throat. He didn’t mind, though; it numbed his nasal passage, causing more of it to get absorbed at a faster rate. Using a credit card, he cleaned up the left-over coke and made one last line.

“Do you wanna play with us?” said the blonde, tossing her bra at his head.

“I’m game.” Noah grinned. Lying back on his bed, both women slithered over his body like sly serpents.

“Who’s Aria?” one of them asked, noticing his tattoo.

“No one you need to know.” He tangled his fingers through her wavy hair, pulling her down so she could show off her oral skills while her other friend joined in.

“You’re such a dirty slut, aren’t you?” he said, shoving two fingers down her throat. “That’s it… suck it for me.”

Fully aroused and high, Noah was no stranger to recreational drug use and cheap hookups. His hedonistic lifestyle had only pushed him further away from opening his heart to love and faith. The compassionate young man he used to be had been destroyed by his addictions.

In that moment, amidst the moaning, groaning, and slapping sounds of flesh against flesh, he submitted to his carnal desires, not caring about how it scarred his soul. Noah was on a dark road to self-destruction, and he was fully aware of it. The long-term consequences were not on his mind. The importance of preserving sacred sexual energy wasn’t even within his awareness. He knew nothing about it; all he knew was that he was suffering every day, and his vices made the pain disappear, but it never lasted; it was a temporary fix. There wasn’t a dayhe abstained from sex—and that included his “precious” cocaine. He was a tortured soul, enslaved by lust and substance abuse.

After ten minutes of foreplay, Noah’s confidence had skyrocketed from the fast effect of the drug; it induced an amplified feeling of superiority for the user. Both women prostrated themselves on his bed while they shamelessly teased Noah.

“Spank me! I’ve been abadgirl…”

“Give it to me first!” the blonde demanded, wiggling her bare bottom.

In this bedroom, nothing was forbidden. Releasing his shame, Noah gripped his manhood and satisfied their insatiable lust, working his way to a mind-blowing climax. Their sexual intimacy was far from passionate; it was raunchy, aggressive, and devoid of emotion; no heart to heart connections. The hours passed as they exhausted each other until they finally passed out.


The next day, Noah was awakened by a pleasurable sensation down below. Sunlight poured in as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Struggling to focus, he watched the brunette he had bedded bobbing her head up and down, engulfing his manhood in her mouth. Now that he had come down from a cocaine high, all he wanted was to be alone. The downside of regaining clarity was realizing how horrible he felt: guilt… shame… self-loathing: a cocktail of pain. It was too much for his soul to bear. He did not want to face himself and be reminded of his inner demons.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Noah said, sounding deliberately cruel.

“Don’t you like the way I suck you off, baby?” she teased, swirling her tongue around his swollen tip.

“I want you to leave.”

“That’s not what you said to me last night…”

“Drop my cock and get the hell out!” he blasted.

His stiff demeanor offended her as she sat up and scowled at him. “Why are you being such an asshole?”

Ignoring her, he threw his legs over the bed and pulled on his jeans.

“Do you even remember my name?”

“No, and I don’t care.” Noah lit a cigarette. “Wake your friend up and take her with you.” He sounded so harsh and distant: a stark contrast to how charming and flirtatious he’d been the night before.

“I liked you better when you were high.” She dressed herself in haste. “At least you weren’t such a jerk!”

Heading downstairs, he overlooked the pigsty in his living room and puffed on a cigarette. Noah made a quick phone call for house cleaning before the angry brunette brushed past him, kicking plastic cups aside to get to the door. Her blonde friend followed behind, but paused for a moment to speak to Noah.

“I had fun last night. We should do this again!”

“Not likely.” He smiled condescendingly.

“Come on, Jen!” her friend called out. “Let’s go! We never should have slept with that prick!”

“What do you expect when you’re dressed like hookers, throwing yourselves at men?”
