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“Mom, you’re bleeding!” His brown eyes filled with tears.

“I’m scared!” Tiffany bawled.

“Why does Daddy keep hurting you?”

“Because he’s sick and needs help.”

Crouching in front of her children, she hugged them both.

“Don’t be afraid, my babies.” Natalie wiped her bloodied nostrils with her sleeve and put on a brave face. “We’re going on a vacation, kiddos, all right?”

“Where?” Terry asked.

“Just follow Mommy, come on!”

She got them out of the apartment before her husband could interfere.

When they reached the parking garage, Natalie strapped her children in their seatbelts and got behind the wheel of their old station wagon.

This is it,she said to herself.I’m leaving him for good this timeand never going back.

The engine fired up, and soon they were gone.



I don’t think I had ever felt so intimidated standing next to another woman. Cammie was stunning—she could have easily won the title of “Miss Universe.”

“It was nice meeting you, Aria.” She smiled. “Good luck with your studies.”

“Thank you.”

“We should have lunch while I’m still in the city,” Cammie said to Noah. “You have my number now.”

“Yeah, I do.”

“Don’t be a stranger then!” She kissed his cheek and hugged him before she left.

I was irritated. This was the worst time for my “jealous diva” to come out from hiding. The only difference between her and I was that she was in a constant state of PMS and passive aggressive to the core. I wasn’t proud of this version of myself, nor did I enjoy envying Cammie, but seeing the way she had interacted with Noah made me feel insecure about us. They had obvious chemistry.

Noah needed a real woman in his life, not some insecure teenager that made metaphorical comparisons to Disneycharacters. Perhaps my inner child desired vengeance:Aria never had a childhood, so Aria doesn’t get to step into adulthood, because Aria could not grow up.God, what the hell was wrong with me? At least I didn’t express those thoughts out loud.

“Aria?” Evan’s voice was faint.

“Sorry, I zoned out”—I looked at him—“What were you saying?”

“I was just thanking you for coming here tonight.”

“Oh, it was my pleasure.” I tried to smile convincingly, but I felt like I was taking more of an awkwardselfie—minus the camera.

“I’ll see you later this week.” He hugged me.

“Don’t cancel on Jade again.”

“I don’t intend to.”

“I’m gonna take her home now.” Noah cut in. “Good work on the exhibit.” He wrapped his arm over my shoulder. I wanted to shrug it off but changed my mind.
