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“The house key is the small—”

“This one?” I flashed a silver key in my hand.

“That’s it. You officially have the key to my heart.”

I blushed.


Wait… what?

“You stole my heart long ago—and I mean that in a loving, paternal way—if you catch my drift.”

“Noah would challenge you and accuse you of being heartless.”

“My judgmental brother’s not here. And he doesn’t know my heart.”

Evan was so charming. His confession moved me. I did my best to hide my gushing emotions. He brought me closer to the door so I could reach down and unlock it.

“That’s it, sweetheart.”

Carrying me inside, he kicked the door shut with his foot. “If you reach over to your left, you’ll feel a light switch next to you.”

I felt around the wall until my fingers brushed against a set of switches. The ceiling lights in his hallway suddenly lit up, and we could finally see.

“Thanks.” He flashed a subtle smile and led the way to his kitchen.

Holy crap… his loft is huge!

“Fancy a cup of tea?” Evan offered.

“I didn’t peg you for the tea drinking type.”

“It’s not for me, it’s for you—a special blend I bought while I was in Shanghai not too long ago. It’ll help sober you up.”

Hovering near the island, Evan carefully placed me down on the black marble counter and brushed my hair out of my face.

“Don’t fall over.”

“Ha-ha, hilarious.”

His blazer smelled amazing, but it was making me sweat. I took it off and placed it next to me. Hiding a smile, he crouched down low and reached for my left ankle.

“You could use these as a weapon,” he said, pulling off my stiletto as I let out a nervous laugh.

“They’re very expensive and worth all the pain.”

“I bet.” Evan placed my killer heels down and flashed a dimpled smile that made me melt.

“That feels so much better. Thank you,” I sighed in relief. “See? I’m not that drunk. It was just these shoes.” I flashed a coy smile.

“Hmm… right.” He didn’t sound convinced. “You have the cutest toes I’ve ever seen.”

Sitting on his knees, he grabbed my left foot and massaged the sole. “Love the pedicure,” Evan added.

“Thank you.”

I blushed when he met my eyes. There was something about those deep depths of mahogany that made me feel as if he and I had shared a past life together once upon a time… like a soul recognition.
