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Dance music echoed from the banquet hall, as I held Ryan’s arm and walked through a set of white French doors. Glittering confetti dusted over our heads when we stepped inside, entering a fantasy world of colorful fog and strobe lights.

“All right, party people!” The DJ took the mic. “I wanna see everyone on the dance floor!”

“Oh, my God!” Jess gushed. “Isn’t this amazing?” She brushed past us with her date, while Ryan and I scanned our surroundings in awe. So many people had arrived.

Standing at the top of a marble stone staircase, I fixated on the ivory-colored balustrade. They decorated the hall in baroque furnishings, which had transformed the space; it was a revival of the renaissance era. Floor candelabras were lit near the terrace doors and columns. Crystal chandeliers majestically hung from the ceiling, with the lights dimmed to create a more romantic atmosphere.

Sheer gold curtains were draped across the walls and arched windows, adding a warmer tone. I was impressed by the beautiful floral arrangements. The tables were covered in silk, overlapping in black, violet, and gold, which didn’t take away from the exquisite center pieces: white orchids dusted with gold glitter, meticulously arranged inside a crystal vase that wasplaced in a large basin of water. Dancing flames flickered from the bowls of floating tea light candles.

A colorful spectrum of satin gowns spun around the dance floor, as if they were exotic flowers coming to full bloom. Everyone was wearing intricate masks, and from what I could see, no other girl had painted or tattooed her mask on her face like I had. The DJ faded another track into the mix and got everybody hyped up. I actually felt… happy.

“You ready?” Ryan smiled.

“This is our last night as seniors. Let’s enjoy it to the fullest.” I hooked my arm around his while we descended the stairs.

“Look at Coach Carter’s tux.” He laughed, pointing at the fashion crime. “It’s orange!”

I spotted him and giggled. “Wait—how do you know that’s him? He’s wearing a mask.”

“Because Carter’s got the biggest beer gut in the entire school faculty.”

Laughing, I tried not to trip over my open toe Gucci’s. We were almost halfway down the steps when I suddenly froze. A tall man dressed in a black tux and dark mask was standing next to my English teacher, Ms. Perez. His short brown hair was slicked back, and he looked oddly familiar. He was staring right at me.

“You okay, Aria?” Ryan asked. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

My friend’s voice faded into the background as I watched the stranger carefully remove his mask.

Oh… my… God.It was Evan.

“Aria?” Ryan’s voice was audible again.

“I’m fine,” I answered, snapping out of it before we started down the steps. Those dark eyes never left my face, and I couldn’t look away from his gaze.

When we finally reached the main floor, I walked toward my uncle and greeted him in good spirits.

“Evan, what are you doing here?”

He smiled, glancing at Ms. Perez. “I’m Claudia’s date.”

When did this happen?I wondered. Evan had never told me he was seeing her.

“Aria, you look so gorgeous tonight!” Ms. Perez said, hugging me. “I’m gonna miss having you in my classroom.”

Originally a native of Venezuela, Ms. Perez was known as the hottest teacher at my high school. She was one of my favorites among the faculty.

“Are you dating my uncle?” I boldly asked.

“We met at the gym two weeks ago,” she said, looking smitten by him. “Nothing’s serious yet, but he’s an ideal candidate. Let’s put it that way.” She winked at Evan, followed by a subtle exchange of flirtatious smiles.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming to my prom?” I asked my uncle.

“I wanted it to be a surprise.”

Ms. Perez explained how she had asked him if he wanted to chaperone when she had found out I was his niece.

“That’s an excuse,” Evan stated. “She just wanted me here as her date.”
