Page 110 of For the love of Kane

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I just hope he’s the same after this.



No one has said a word since we got in the limo. Kane and Blaze keep giving me worried glances, and it’s starting to break my resolve that I can go through with this.

The vile shit that bald fucker said to me is ingrained in my head. Kane and Blaze were almost too late, and I’m not sure what he was saying is anything I could have ever recovered from. The beatings and the scars meant nothing compared to what he had planned for me.

“Is that mine?” Blaze asks, gesturing to his knife on my leg.

“Yeah. Do you need it?”

Blaze gives me a crooked grin. “No. I’m just excited to see it strapped to your thigh.”

I keep the lock on my collar clutched in my fingers and turn in the seat to face them head-on. Rubbing the lock has become like a security blanket for me. The fact that Kane gave it back tells me all I need to know about our relationship. It shattered me when he took it back, and now I touch it without even realizing it half the time to make sure it’s still there. “I need you guys to help me do what I need to do in there.”

“Of course, Baby.”

Kane tilts his head to the side, assessing me in that unnerving way. “Is killing him the only way you’ll get peace?”

“I don’t know. I just feel like I have to be the one that does it.” He raises a brow, which pisses me off because I know what he’s thinking. “I know I couldn’t end Carls, but this is different.”

“I’m not disputing that,Litso kukly. But murder is murder no matter who it is.”

“Carls might have fucked me but not in the way this guy threatened to do.”

Dalton pulls in behind Diego’s SUV, and we pile out, meeting at the hood. The apartment building that Lev is hiding in is about two blocks away, and we want to keep the element of surprise. “Do you have your vest?” Kane asks, and his eyes narrow when I shake my head. Dalton goes to the trunk to grab one and then hands it to Kane. “Take your hoodie off.”

“I don’t think this is the place,” I joke and sigh when Kane grits his teeth.

I strip it off, and Kane slides it over my head, tightening the straps so tight that I can hear my ribs protesting. “I told you if you go anywhere like this with us, you wear a vest.”

“Where’s yours?” I put my hoodie back on, and Kane is sliding his on when my head pops out.

“Just for the record, he never wears one,” Blaze says with a grin.

“Aw, Daddy’s turning into a softie.”

Kane grabs me by the front of my hoodie and jerks me against him. “If you think I won’t spank you right here, you’re sadly mistaken. Keep fucking with me.”

“If you think I won’t bend over right here, you’re sadly mistaken.”

Blaze starts roaring with laughter, laughing even harder when Kane huffs a laugh. “I liked you two better when he was afraid of you.” Kane finishes strapping his vest. “I want all exits covered. If he gets by any of you, I’ll slit your throat without a second thought.”

Even though I know this is serious, I appreciate the humor to eliminate some of the panic that I’m feeling. Kane gives the order to stay close to him, and then we’re moving toward the apartment. I pull the Glock from my holster, steadying it with my other hand on the pistol grip.I guess my police training came in handy for something.Kane signals for us to stop right outside the building and pulls a machete from his side. My eyes widen, and Blaze spins his knives around in his fingers. Kane gestures at Dalton, and he pushes the door open, sweeping the inside. It looks abandoned but has plenty of places for Lev to hide.

We split into groups, with me staying with Blaze and Kane. After searching the first floor and not finding anything, we move upstairs, clearing the rooms one by one. When we get to the last floor, my stomach sinks, knowing he’s not here, and this still isn’t over. We get to the second to last door, and Blaze raises his fist for us to stop, straining to listen. The voices floating through the door finally hit me, and my heart hammers in my chest.

“Stay close,” Blaze whispers. He lifts his boot and kicks open the door. There’s no use for stealth since these rooms are all one room. The bald fucker’s head snaps up, jumping to his feet. He runs toward the window for the fire escape, and Diego steps through, his gun pressed against the asshole’s forehead.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he asks, pushing him back.

The guy’s eyes are rapidly flipping between Diego, Kane, and Blaze until they finally land on me. I can tell by the look on his face that he knows he’s fucked. I push by Blaze, my gun trained on this guy’s chest. “Sit down.”

“You’re tough now that you have them backing you up. I remember how loud you screamed.”

Kane grabs him by the throat and practically lifts him, slamming him into a chair. “He told you to sit the fuck down. Where’s Lev?”
