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“Is that your brain or dick talking?”

Kane glares. “Do you have something to say, Blaze?”

“I just worry about you.”

“I’ll be fine. I know how to handle myself.” He checks his watch again and stands up. “I need to go get ready so I can pick up Jaxon.”

We make our way outside and slide into the back of the limo. It was pretty awesome to go from eating out of trash cans to Kane’s life. Even when my mom was alive, we never had anything. I had to steal from different stores just to feed us. So, going to Kane’s house was like walking into a different world.

I let my mind wander to Jaxon. I have to admit, I see what Kane sees in him, and he’s the exact type that Kane goes after. But Jaxon is the first one to ever be in his bed the next morning. When Elijah and I went over there, I expected to find Kane alone and was surprised as shit to see him cuddled behind Jaxon. Elijah and I used to be the only ones he would do that with.

“Blaze,” Kane says, pulling me from my thoughts. “I said your name like four times.”

“My bad. What did you say?”

“I asked what you were going to do tonight?”

I shrug. “Probably call Elijah.”

Kane sighs and turns to face me in the seat. I already don’t like the look on his face. “Are you sure he’s just a plaything?”


“It’s been a year and a half.”

“So?” I ask, confused.

“You spend every waking second together when neither of you is working.”

“And? What’s your fucking point here, Kane?”

“That’s a relationship.”

I move to the other side of the limo so I can see his face better. “We’ve already gone over this.”

“Yes, and I’m calling bullshit. Eli deserves better.”

“Than me?”


“Just because you want to get wifed up, doesn’t mean I want to. I like what we have, and that’s where it needs to stay.”

Kane shakes his head and looks out of his window. I don’t know why he keeps bringing this up. Elijah and I came to this agreement before he ever stepped foot in my playroom. No feelings or I’ll stop it right there. I don’t do feelings, and I sure as fuck don’t do love. Love makes you weak. Just look at my mother. She loved so many guys while I was growing up that I lost count. And it put her six feet under before she ever saw her thirtieth birthday. The only person that I’ve ever loved is Kane. If that’s what you even call it. I wouldn’t know what it is if it bit me on the ass. But I do know that I would do anything to protect him, even if that meant putting myself in the line of fire.

When we get to the house, we go our separate ways while he gets ready for his date. I wait until I know he’s left before I text Elijah.



I can’t tonight.

I sit up in bed fast. He’s never turned down a session.


I have work to get done.
