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Lyric grinned. “I’m glad. We’ve loved having you here, but I understand how much a newly mated couple needs to have their own space. It’s kind of a miracle that Emerson lasted this long with you surrounded by other alphas all the time.”

I laughed as I folded pants into a suitcase. “Don’t let him fool you. He struggled.” I couldn’t even say how many times I was dragged into a private room and fucked against the wall to “reclaim” me. Not that I was complaining. “But he understood that it was what I needed. Plus, they were careful to limit my exposure mostly to Orion and Arden.”

Lyric’s expression turned thoughtful. “Do you think Arden will ever take a mate?”

I sat down and squinted at him. Where had that come from? “I don’t know. With as much time as I’ve spent with Arden, I know very little about his personal life. So I can’t really answer.”

Lyric sighed dramatically. “Same. He always avoids the subject whenever I ask him about it, or any personal questions, and Orion is annoyingly tight-lipped about Arden as well. It’s so frustrating.”

I shook my head at the man who had become my best friend. “Why, did you plan on setting him up?”

His eyes lit up with mischief. “I mean . . .”

“Aren’t you sore enough? Do you really want another spanking for meddling?”

Lyric wiggled on his undoubtedly sore behind, waggling his eyebrows. “It would be worth it I think. . .”

Before I could respond, there was a knock on the frame of the open door, but I didn’t need that to know my mate was here. I bounded to my feet, unable to hide my grin.

Emerson stepped into the doorway, his arms open for me, and I easily slid into them. My eyes immediately went to two tiny white scars on the side of his neck, right on his scent gland. That was the second most important moment of my life, right behind when he bit me. It was just over a week ago when it happened, so it was still fresh and exciting. I couldn’t get enough of looking at those scars.

“What are you two up to?” my alpha asked suspiciously. I was sure he heard the end of our conversation, but I just smiled sweetly at him.

“Lyric is helping me pack up my belongings.”

Emerson rumbled approvingly in his chest. “Good. I can help you finish up tonight as well. I just have to attend one more meeting and then I’ll be free.”

I looked up at him. “I’m surprised you’re home now.”

His eyes were lit up, making him look so much younger. “I needed to pick up some paperwork, and I wanted to tell you the news in person.”

I scrunched my nose. “What news?”

My forty-something-year-old, classy, sophisticated alpha rocked up and down on the balls of his feet. “Orion was finally approved for an audience with the council!”

I gasped in shock while Lyric jumped up and openly whooped.

“When? How?” It had been a long time coming, with many delays and denials to get to this point. Orion had been trying for months to get an audience with the governing council for our district to submit a proposition on loosening some of the restrictions for omegas. They weren’t anything significant yet, just some protections for widowed omegas, but if they got approved, it would be huge win in our favor.

Emerson tipped my chin up and kissed me, and I melted into his lips. Even being apart for a few hours seemed like too much.

“The audience is on the 20th. Honestly, we have no idea how it finally got pushed through. Orion just received the call a bit ago. He didn’t come back with me so he could make a few calls of his own to see what happened.”

The 20th. That was nearly three weeks away. So much could happen between now and then. But still, it was something. It was a date. I looked at Emerson, suddenly overcome with need. By the heated look my mate gave me, he clearly returned the sentiment.

Lyric seemed to understand the mood change. “It seems like I’m always getting kicked out of your room,” he mumbled under his breath, but he still left.

He was barely out of the door when Emerson kicked the door shut and was on me. “Fuck, omega. I don’t have much time, but I need you.”

My eyes travelled down to the erection that was jutting out. I licked my lips and looked up at my mate through my eyelashes. He sucked in a breath, understanding what I was asking for.

His big hand was on my shoulder, pushing me down. I fell to my knees willingly. “I have five minutes. If you can take me over the edge before then, I’ll return the favor tonight.”

My fingers rushed to undo the buttons of his trousers. Challenge accepted.

The End
