Page 76 of Shattered

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She reached up to echo his hold on her neck. “And you’re mine.” She pulled him down for a longer, deeper kiss. She’d tossed the papers to the floor and was ready to slide on top of him when a sound broke into her thoughts.

“Ahem, Mrs. Meyer?” said a nervous voice. “I’m very sorry, but you have a scotch and a virgin cosmo listed on your schedule.”

She smiled at the attendant and slid back into her seat, pulling up the side tray.

“No problem,” she said, accepting the drink from the relieved attendant.

“I have one problem with your plans,” Monty said, taking a hearty drink of his scotch.

“What’s that?”

“It says lavender for our wing.”

She nodded, biting back a smile. She’d added that just to see how closely he looked over the plans. She should have known he’d be thorough, just like every other aspect of his life. “Yes, but it’s an aggressive lavender. And not for the entire wing, just our suite.”

Montgomery raised an eyebrow. “An aggressive lavender? I was picturing a calming burgundy.”

Hartley gave him a mock frown. “Burgundy? That’s so...hostile.”

“What if I think this shade of lavender is too confrontational?” he teased, mock indignation dripping from his voice. “Or weak. Neither of us is weak.”

He tossed his drink back and reached over to place his empty glass on the table across the aisle.

She did the same, and he set her glass beside his. “This sounds like we’re having our first spat,” she mused, unable to suppress her smile.

In a flash, Monty had pulled her onto his lap, making her gasp. His hand slid under her tight skirt, and it was his turn to gasp. “My love,” he said in a faux shocked tone, “where’s your underwear?”

Her cheeks flushed as she whispered, “I had a lot of work to get through on this flight, and I think more clearly without so many layers.”

His lips curved into a sultry smile, eyes darkening with desire. “I love you, you know?” The words, gruff with intensity, filled the space between them.

She felt an answering flutter in her chest. “I love you, too. And only you. This time around, I don’t want any flexibility in our marriage—just in case I had to put that into words.”

“Oh, there’s no damned way I was going to agree to that,” he replied.

She smiled, her lips lowering to his, but he jerked his head back.

“Wait. Avirgincosmo?” he asked, a glint in his eye.

“I’m not pregnant,” she clarified. “One day, maybe. We can talk it about it. But not yet. I’ve just realized I don’t need to be buzzed to get through life anymore. Not when life is so amazing.”

His eyes widened, the pupils dilating into pure black heat. “Well, then, here’s to clear thinking, fewer layers…and new beginnings,” he murmured as he reached under her to unzip his pants.

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