Page 52 of Rage

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That Roman would enjoy doing it was beside the point.

Roman advanced on him, leaning to the right when Adam tried to land a blow to Roman’s jaw. It was worse than ineffectual. Roman was so much taller than Adam that when he reached for Roman’s face, he was thrown off-balance.

Not a lot, but enough.

Roman gave him a push, the kind a schoolyard bully might deliver to a victim.

It was intentionally mild, designed to humiliate Adam.

It did the job. Hale stumbled, almost losing his footing, and only barely managed to right himself.

Max leaned against the alley, staring blandly at his phone, following Roman’s orders not to intervene unless Hale pulled his weapon.

Roman advanced on him, and something in Roman’s expression must have scared the living shit out of Adam Hale because he took two steps backwards, stopping when he came up against the brick wall of one of the buildings.

“Motherfucker.” Adam pointed at him. “You’re going down. You’re assaulting an officer of the law.”

Roman didn’t slow his steps, just kept right on walking until he was within arm’s reach of the asshole.

Then he threw a punch and just kept on throwing them.

At first Adam tried to punch back, Then he switched to defense, trying to shield his face.

Finally, he reached for his weapon.

Roman had his own gun out and pressed it against Hale’s temple before Adam could even unclip his service weapon. Max was undoubtedly behind him with his own weapon drawn, but it wasn’t necessary.

“I’m almost sorry you did that, youtiny, pathetic fucking coward,” Roman said quietly, pressing the gun harder against Hale’s temple.

It would have been more fun to beat Adam to a bloody pulp, but Roman couldn’t have him firing his service weapon — and of course the fucker carried his service weapon while he was off duty instead of the smaller 9mm favored by most cops when they were off duty.

Officers had to account for every bullet fired from their service weapons, even when they were off duty, and Roman didn’t want to tempt Adam to report their altercation.

“What did you tell Olivia about Ruby?” Roman asked.

Adam didn’t answer fast enough for Roman’s liking, so Roman kneed him in the balls. Some men would think that was a dirty play, but Roman played by the rules at Basil’s, which were basically that there were no rules.

Adam gasped, then groaned.

“I’d start talking if I were you,” Roman said. “There are a lot of things I can do to you that won’t impede your ability to spill it.”

Adam’s eyes were watering. “I told her that her slut mother was on a business trip.”

The gun cracked down on Hale’s forehead before Roman was even aware of making the decision to do it. What could he do? His body had a mind of its own in these situations.

“Fuck!” Adam screamed, blood gushing from the wound on his forehead.

“When did you tell Olivia her mother would be back?” Roman asked.

“I didn’t.” Hale was in a hurry to talk now. “I just said she was on a business trip.”

“And what did you plan to tell Olivia when her mother never came home?” Roman asked. “Because we all know you planned for her to never come home.”

“I had nothing to do with that part. That was all—”

Roman wrapped his free hand around Hale’s neck and squeezed.

Adam gasped, his eyes bulging. This was fun. He could keep going. Could watch the light leave Adam Hale’s eyes, feel his windpipe collapse under Roman’s grip.
