Page 75 of Rage

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He lowered his head, kissed her long and slow. There was something different in it now, like he’d stopped expecting her to run away.

Like she’d stopped planning to.

Still, the languid sweeps of his tongue left her breathless, the hard shaft of his cock enticingly close to her pussy.

He pulled back and reached for a condom, then adjusted his position so he could get it on. She resisted the urge to tell him to skip it, caught up in the moment, wanting nothing between them.

Don’t be stupid, Ruby.

He positioned his cock at her entrance, looked down at her, and smoothed the hair back from her forehead. “You’re beautiful, Ruby. In every way.”

“You’re beautiful,” she said. “In every way.”

She meant it. God help her, she meant it.

He pushed into her with a groan.

She gasped with the pure pleasure of it, the way he completed her, filling her with every inch like she’d been molded just for him.

They moved slowly this time, their breath mingling in the dark, growing shallower and faster as they both reached for release.

She bent her knees, locking her ankles around his thighs to pull him deeper, watching his face as he watched hers.

His cock stroked her clit on the downstroke and she angled her hips to get even more friction, felt the sublime pleasure of it as her orgasm came within reach.


He reached for one of her calves, adjusted their position so he sank even deeper. “Come for me, sweetheart.” His voice was tender. “But this time look at me while you do it.”

She couldn’t have looked away if she’d tried and she held his gaze as the wave of pleasure rolled over her, pulling her down into the blissful depths of release, her body trembling with it, tightening around his cock as he pushed through her swollen channel.

He let go with a groan and she watched the awe wash over his face, saw the shine in his eyes, like he was feeling something — witnessing something — holy.

When she’d stopped shuddering, he left a trail of kisses across her face — her brow, the tip of her nose, her cheeks, the corners of her mouth.

Then he pulled her into his arms, held her tight, kissed the top of her head.

They lay in silence for a long time before he spoke. “I used to think nothing mattered but hurting my father, taking the thing that mattered most to him. I was wrong.” He tipped her chin, forcing her to look at him through the darkness. “I love you, Ruby. And I think it’s time to end this, time for you and Olivia to get your lives back.”

She knew what she wanted to say, but she was afraid to say it, knew once she did, nothing would ever be the same.

But maybe that was the point.

“And spend the rest of our lives looking over our shoulders for your father? For Adam?” Because the death of this woman — whoever she was — was just proof that Roman’s father was a monster.

He furrowed his brow. “What are you saying?”

“MaybeIwas wrong, Roman. To think we can live peacefully with tyrants. Your father. My ex-husband. We tried that, didn’t we? Both of us?”

He nodded.

She held his gaze. “What if all the death and destruction is just proof that you were right all along?”

The hard glint had returned to his eyes. “I’m going to need you to be more specific, sweetheart. What, exactly, are you saying?”

“We’ll never have peace as long as your father is in charge.”As long as Adam is in charge.“I’m saying you were right. I’m saying I’m with you on this. I’m saying you should fight.”

