Page 102 of You Broke Me First

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"You are mine, Addy," he growled, his tone low and raspy. My chest swelled as all the memories from the past flooded forward, and the words lodged in my throat. "Say it." He dropped his hands, and his fingertips curled possessively around my hips, digging into the sensitive flesh. "Say you're mine, Addy."

I wanted to argue. I wanted to tell him that neither of us was ready to go down this road again. Neither of us was prepared to make promises like that because we both knew that I would return home to New York at the end of the six weeks, and he would stay in Florida. I wanted to tell him that I didn't know if I'd be able to walk away again.

"I'm yours," I breathed, and I was. I didn't know yet how this would work, but I was his, and he was mine.

His mouth claimed mine in a possessive, dominating kiss that was so intense, so consuming that it stole the air from my lungs, and I lost the ability to breathe. His hand curled around the back of my neck, holding me in place as we shifted and twisted without breaking from the kiss.

My pulse kicked up when his grip tightened around my neck; he broke from the kiss as our labored breathing filled the quiet room. He twisted me around, his hand still tight on my neck while the other snaked around my hip, holding me in place. "I'm going to fuck you until you scream my name and then fill you with my cum," he breathed against my ear, and I sucked in a sharp breath. He was marking his territory. "Then every time you feel my cum dripping out of you tonight, you'll remember who you belong to." White hot heat surged through me at his vulgar words. Holy fuck, grown-up Maddox had a dirty mouth, and it made my insides turn to liquid heat, shooting straight down and pulsing between my thighs. He shoved me forward by the neck, bending me over the only table in the dark room. I squeezed my thighs together to help alleviate the pulsing pressure building between them.

"Maddox," I whimpered. My stomach clenched as he shoved my dress over my ass. His fingers tangled in the delicate lace of my thong, and with a hard jerk, he shredded it and discarded it to the floor. My fingers curl into the silky tablecloth, bunching it into my fist. His belt rattled, and then his zipper dropped.

I inhaled deeply when he slid his wide head through my slick flesh, positioning himself at my entrance. "Spread your legs," he ordered, his voice coarse and sharp. My belly clenched in anticipation as I did what I was told.

"Maddox. Please." I needed him now. I needed him to alleviate the throbbing pressure. He doesn't make me beg again. A sharp breath left me when he thrust his hips forward, filling me. The way his body fit with mine was like we were meant to be one. We were each a separate piece of the puzzle, broken when apart but whole when we were together.

He held himself deep, pinning my hips to the table, allowing me time to adjust to the massive intrusion. When I rocked my hips, begging for more, he withdrew and drove back inside me harder and deeper. He fucked me in quick deep brutal strokes, each snap of his hips more vicious than the last. It was both a punishment and a reward—a punishment for dancing with Derek but a reward for being his.

Adrenaline coursed through my veins like I was high on drugs and spiraling out of control. I was addicted. We were in a dark back room with a massive fundraising event on the other side of the door. Anyone could walk in, but I didn't care.

He groaned as his hips snapped forward. His hand released the back of my neck as it slid around my throat. He pulled me up, and his chest dropped to my back as he pushed himself so deep. Chills raced over my skin as his hot, raspy breath brushed against my shoulder.

He pumped in and out fast, harder, deeper, hitting that spot that set my body on fire, making my body vibrate against him. A desperate, pleading moan escaped my lips.

I was so close.

"You are mine, Addison," he breathed. "This pussy is mine. It was made for me." I rocked my hips until we found a rhythm that made me moan like a feral animal—the room filled with the wet sounds of our slick bodies and labored breathing.

I cried out with another ruthless snap of his hips that sent me over the edge with an orgasm so potent that I exhaled all the air from my lungs, crying out his name, and with one more hard, deep thrust and a harsh grunt, he filled me with his hot liquid just like he promised.



Standing in the darkness behind the house, I inhaled a deep breath of fresh air and let the cold air cool my heated skin as memories of what just happened flooded over me.

Maddox was inside, working his magic with his guest, and I needed the fresh air and a minute of silence.

"Beautiful night," a woman's soft voice said from behind me. I twisted, glancing over my shoulder to see Casey Davis standing behind me.

"It is," I agreed, my gaze flicking forward as she stepped beside me. "Did you need something?" Casey didn't like me, and there was no reason to pretend she did.

"What are you doing, Addison?" she asked, a slight edge to her tone. I wasn't exactly sure if she meant what I was doing outside, what I was doing here at this fundraiser, or what I was doing with Maddox.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about," I said dryly.

"Here." My gaze blinked over to her. She held my black shredded lace panties out in front of her. I refrained from panicking and snatching the panties out of her hand. I thought Maddox had picked them up, but I was wrong.

I wish I could say I was embarrassed that she knew what we'd done, but I wasn't. The corners of my lips curled into a smirk as I reached out, took the panties, and shoved them in my purse. "You don't get it, do you?" I didn't respond, not that she wanted me to anyway. "Maddox has spent the last few months trying to rebuild his reputation, and you will be why it is ruined again." She was only partially right. I didn't force him into that room, but I also didn't stop him. We could have been caught, which would have damaged our careers, but neither of us cared in the heat of the moment. Looking back, it was reckless, but there was no use admitting it. What was done was done.

My gaze scanned her face, and a wave of realization washed over me as the undeniable expression of jealousy flickered in her eyes.

I cocked my head to the side as I narrowed my eyes. "You're fucking him," flew out of my mouth before I could stop it. Her brows furrowed as shock covered her face. "Yeah, I've seen that look before." I had seen that look before on a much younger face. Maddy. "It's the same look she gave me in high school because she blamed me for not being with him. When in reality, it had nothing to do with me. He's just really not that into you." Her lip curled into a snarl, and she squared her narrow shoulders. I should have stopped there, but I couldn't. "If a man wants you, he'll stop at nothing to keep you." I laughed sarcastically, holding my hands out and spinning in a circle dramatically. "He's not here fighting for you."

"You don't know what you're talking about," she hissed. "I've had Maddox's back for two years now. I've tried to protect his reputation." This had nothing to do with his reputation. She thought I swooped in and stole him from her.

"So you're not fucking him then?" I cut her off, crossing my arms over my chest and cocking my hip to the side. I wasn't sure I wanted the answer, but it was too late to back down. When she didn't answer, I knew I was right. "Maybe you should work out your shit with Maddox and leave me out of it."

I spun on my heel, storming back toward the venue at the same time Maddox was stepping outside.
