Page 110 of You Broke Me First

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I nodded. "Is there anything you don't want me to talk about?"

She shook her head. "Nope." Her gaze flicked back to the iPad. "You ready?"

"Let's do it."

She hit a button and leaned back in her chair. "Hey guys, it's Addison, and I'm here with Maddox Parker. Maddox has some news, and then we will answer some questions." Her gaze flicked to me, flashing me a smile.

"What's up, everyone? There have been many questions lately about Addison and me and our past and future, so I wanted to clear up some rumors before they got out of hand." I scooted forward in my chair. "I met Addison in high school. She was my tutor, and we started dating. I fell head over heels in love with her pretty fast, but I made some stupid choices that ended up hurting her. She left, and I didn't see her again until she started tutoring me again in college. We started dating again in college, and life took us on separate paths. It wasn't anyone's fault our futures just took us in separate directions. She left for New York, where she became an amazing sports journalist, and I was drafted into the NFL. This exclusive brought us back together, and even though we live completely separate lives, we both realized we are still in love with each other." I didn't want to give out too much information, but I wanted to clear up some confusion. "I asked Addison to be my girlfriend." I flashed her a smile.

"And I said yes." The comment section blew up. Comments came in so fast that it was hard to read them. "We have time for a few questions." Addison leaned forward. "Maddox, did you cheat on Addison?"

"No." I wasn't elaborating on what I did or what happened in high school.

"We love you, Addison!" Addison smiled. "Aw, I love you guys, too!" She ran her finger up the screen, scrolling up. "Maddox," Addison read the next comment. "Will you move to New York with Addison?"

"We are still working out all the details, but I will go wherever she is."

"Will this end the exclusive early?" Addison read.

"Nope." Addison's phone chimed, and I didn't bother stopping because I figured it was Maddy with her flight details. "The exclusive will continue for the rest of the six weeks."

Addison glared at her phone. "Sorry guys, that's all we have time for today, but we'll be back tomorrow." Addison cut the live.

"What's wrong?" My brows furrowed as my gaze flicked between her and her phone.

"That was my boss, and he saw the live, and wants me to call him now."


She shrugged. "I don't know, but I'd bet our big reveal pissed him off."

"Why would he care?"

"Trust me, he cares." She blew out a heavy sigh. "I should call him back." I nodded, and she pushed out of her chair, heading into the house.

As I watched her disappear into the house, dread twisted in my gut, and I hoped Casey wasn't right about everything. If I was the reason Addison lost her job, I wasn't sure how she'd react. She could blame me for pushing this and leave again.

My gaze fixed on her through the sliding glass door; I watched her as I drew in long, deep breaths and tried to read her facial expressions, hoping I hadn't messed this up again.



Pulling the phone to my ear, I pressed my lips into a tight line as I waited for Jacob to answer. It never crossed my mind that our announcement might piss off my boss, but if he was calling me this late during a live, he was pissed. The question was how pissed, just a little or enough to fire me?

"What the fuck, Addison?" Jacob barked, and I flinched at the anger radiating through the phone. Well, that answered my question. He was definitely mad enough to fire me. I decided playing dumb was the best way to go in this situation.


"BBN Sports is not your personal platform for dating announcements."

"Well, sir," I tried to keep my irritation out of my tone because I really didn't want to get fired, "with all due respect, this special is an exclusive into the life of Maddox Parker, and I am part of that life. So wouldn't it make sense for us to make our announcement live for the world to know during his exclusive?"

"Absolutely not," he hissed. "It's unprofessional to start, and you should have cleared it with me before you did it, and second, this should be an exclusive into his sports career, not his fucking personal life, Addison."

"No offense, but this is a gossip vlog, and the people watching want to know about Maddox's personal life."

"Again, this is not a personal platform for you to use however you want."
