Page 19 of You Broke Me First

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Even though more thanan hour had passed, it felt like time was standing still. I'd never been so nervous for someone I tutored. I'd never been so invested before, but I was one hundred percent in this with Maddox and him being able to play the sport he loved.

My legs bounced rapidly as I watched the double doors to the library for any sign of Maddox. I heard his hand hit the metal handle before I saw the door open. Jumping to my feet, I watched an emotionless Maddox storm through the library, charging right for me. He didn't look happy. Panic set in. He looked angry.

Swallowing past the panic, I felt my entire body tense. "Maddox," I said, starting to apologize.

"Addy," he yelled, a smile spreading across his face as he wrapped his arms around my waist, lifting me off the ground and spinning me. "I passed."

"Omigod," I yelled as he wrapped my arms around his neck. "I knew you could do it." I blew out a sigh of relief. "You tricked me." I laughed.

"I have to go let Coach know," he said, letting me slide against his body to the ground. Maddox had the sexiest smile I'd ever seen. The kind of smile that, with one curve of his lips, could convince you to do things you would never do. He had a sexy mouth. The corners of his lips curved naturally up along with his full lips, perfect dimples, deep blue eyes, and chiseled jaw; it sucked you in, making it hard to breathe. "Meet me at my truck. I wanna celebrate tonight." I nodded, still completely entranced by his smile. He leaned in, pressing his perfect lips to mine before disappearing from the library.

It took me a minute to come back from wherever I'd disappeared to in my mind, but when I did, I practically skipped out of the library.

"Addy," Chaz's panicked voice called out from down the hall. "Thank God you're still here." Of course, I was here. I didn't have anywhere else to be.

"What's up, Chaz?" I asked, offering a polite smile.

"Karly won't come out of the girl's bathroom over in the senior's hallway," he said, his eyes wide with panic.

"Is she okay," I asked, already storming toward the bathroom. He shrugged, stepping in beside me. "What happened?"

"I don't know," he said, shoving a hand through his thick dark hair. "I was supposed to drive her home today. She didn't have her car, so I looked for her when she didn't show up. Someone told me she was in the bathroom, but she wouldn't let me in or talk to me. I don't know if I did something wrong." He looked sincerely hurt.

Stopping in front of the girl's bathroom, I placed a hand on the door and turned to look over my shoulder. "Why don't you go get your car?" I started.

"No," he interrupted. "I'm waiting right here." I nodded, pushing open the door to the girl's bathroom.

"Karly," I called softly, not wanting to startle her.

"Addy," she cried out, opening the stall door and peeking out. Her tear-streaked cheeks were red, her eyes swollen and puffy. She'd been in here crying for way too long.

"Karly," I said, another wave of panic coursed through me. Standing at arm's length, I looked her over for any signs of her being hurt physically, but nothing was evident. "Are you okay? What happened?"

Sucking in a breath, she lifted her hand, holding a white stick with a pink tip. It took me a minute to realize it was a positive pregnancy test. My eyes flashed to hers as my mouth parted in shock, and tears started streaming down her face again. Forcing the shock off my face, I snapped my mouth closed.

Karly was my best friend, my only friend, but right here, right now, I had no idea what to say to her. I couldn't tell her everything would be all right because I didn't know if it would be. I didn't know what this meant for her and her future. So, I did the only thing I could think of—I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and pulled her in for a hug. I let her cry on my shoulder until she was out of tears.

Karly came from an extremely religious household. Her parents were strict with very conservative points of view. Sex wasn't something you did before marriage, and a baby out of wedlock was out of the question. I had no idea how her parents would react to the news that Karly was unwed and pregnant. Her mother might die of a heart attack, and her father was probably going to try to kill the father of the baby, whom I assumed was Chaz.

Karly and I shared most things, but sex wasn't something we talked about. I'd never had sex, so there wasn't a whole lot for me to talk about, and to her, sex was private, and I respected that.

"I don't know what to do," Karly sniffled, pulling out of the embrace. "I don't know how to tell Chaz I ruined our lives."

"Hey," I snapped, grabbing her shoulders and shaking her slightly to get her attention. "You didn't do this by yourself, and I seriously doubt Chaz will see it that way either."

"What should I do?" she cried out, using her hand to wipe away another streaming tear.

"I don't know, Karly," I said. "But a guy is standing on the other side of that door beating himself up because he thinks he did something to hurt you. I think you should start by talking to him. Maybe you guys can figure this out together."

"My parents are going to kill me," she said, her head falling into her hand.

"You don't have to tell them today," I said. "You don't even have to tell Chaz today if you're not ready. You can take some time to wrap your head around all of this. We can go back to my house and hang out if you want. I'll order pizza."

"No." She smiled, shaking her head. "I need to talk to Chaz." She moved in front of the sink and grabbed a paper towel to dab at her eyes. "Chaz is amazing, isn't he?"

"Yeah." I smiled, nodding. "He's pretty great."

"I'm going to go talk to him," she smiled. "Thank you, Addy. I'm lucky to have you as a friend." She darted forward, throwing her arms around me in an unexpected hug. Her arm bumped my hand, sending my phone flying behind me. "Oh, shit, Addy." We turned to see my phone lying at the bottom of the girl's bathroom sink, which was still full of water from a clog two days ago. Ewww... "Addy, I'm sorry." She reached in, grabbed my phone, and dropped it on a paper towel.
