Page 28 of You Broke Me First

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"Addy," Karly yelled, charging toward me. Chaz followed closely behind her.

"What is going on?" I snapped. "Why is everyone acting so..."

"Addy," Karly panted, cutting me off. She lifted her phone, and playing on the screen was the video I'd sent to Maddox of me topless. My hand jerked up, shoving her phone down.

"Where did you get that?" I whisper-hissed, but I already knew the answer. Only one person had that video. Only one person could have sent it.

"It came from Maddox's number," Karly said.

"We all got it," Chaz said. "I think the whole school did." We all looked around at all the pointed stares and whispers directed at me. My chest tightened as I struggled to catch my breath.

How could he? I trusted him.

I stood paralyzed, my heart shattering into a million little pieces, but I couldn't fall apart. Not here, not in front of everyone.

"Addy," Maddox's voice echoed from a distance. He was still wearing his practice gear. I swallowed hard as panic set in. I didn't want to talk to him. I searched for a place to run somewhere hide.

"Go," Karly said, pushing me.

"We'll block him," Chaz said.

I took off running, my chest burned, and tears stung the back of my eyes.

"Addy," Maddox yelled from behind me. "Stop, please." I didn't stop. I couldn't stop, not for him. I found a corner of the school, tucking myself into the back walkway that was rarely used so he couldn't see me when he drove by. I would hide here until the campus cleared out.

Pressing my back against the red brick, I fought to catch my breath and blinked back the tears threatening to fall.

"I tried to warn you." Maddy smirked. Oh, for fuck's sake. Of course, the hallway I was hiding in was the back walkway that was only ever used by students released from detention.

"Fuck off, Maddy," I hissed. I wasn't in the mood. Not today, not now.

"You were nothing but a bet between him and Asher." She laughed. I let her words sink in. A bet between him and Asher.

They were arguing about me.

My head started to spin as my pulse thrummed in my ears, drowning out the mean girls cackling around me. My chest tightened, and my stomach churned as hurt turned to anger. I was nothing to him—just a bet.

"She thought she was special." Maddy laughed.

I'd had enough of Madison Taylor. I'd had enough of all of them. Rearing my clenched fist back, I slammed it forward into Maddy's nose. The crunching under my blow echoed over their sudden silence as the blood splatter projected all over me and anyone close to her.

"What the fuck?" Maddy cried out, grabbing her gushing nose.

"I said fuck off," I hissed before spinning to walk away. Looking down, I sucked in a breath at the sight of Maddy's blood splattered on Maddox's jacket.

"You know what," I said, slipping out of the jacket and tossing it to Maddy, who let go of her nose to catch the jacket. "You want him; you can have him. This is yours."

"Addy," Karly yelled from Chaz's truck window. She shoved the door open when she saw me storming toward the truck. "Get in."

"Omigod," Karly squealed. "What happened?" She opened the center console and pulled out napkins. "Is that your blood?"

"No," I said dryly. I reached out, taking the napkins from her. "I punched Maddy in the nose."

"'Bout time." Chaz smiled, making eye contact through the rearview mirror. "She's had that coming for a long time."

"Maddox is texting me," Karly said, staring at her phone.

As I stared forward, a sense of numbness washed over me. I suddenly couldn't feel anything: no pain, no anger, nothing.
