Page 33 of You Broke Me First

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"We'll have to stop here for today." I smiled. "But I think you're ready for your test tomorrow."

"Thanks, Addison." She collected her things.

"I'll make sure Ashlyn gets you on her schedule next week." I pushed out of my chair and walked to my desk. "Good luck tomorrow."

She smiled, throwing her bag over her shoulder. "I owe you an apology." My eyes flashed up, locking on hers. "From high school."

"It's fine, Maddy," I forced a smile.

"No, it's not," she said. "You didn't deserve how I treated you, and you definitely didn't deserve what Maddox did."

I should have accepted her apology and sent her on her way, but for some reason, I needed this.

"Why?" I asked, straightening to my full height. "Why did you treat me like that?"

"Truthfully?" She sighed. "I don't know why it started, but when you and Maddox started dating, I was jealous." She shrugged. "I was young and dumb and thought I deserved Maddox."

"Why, though?" I asked. "You knew it was all a bet, didn't you?"

"It may have started a bet," she said. "But Maddox was different with you. The way he looked at you."

"It wasn't real, Maddy." I huffed out a humorless laugh.


"He didn't care about me," I interrupted, not wanting to hear whatever bullshit she was about to spew. I'd already come to terms with what I was to Maddox, and I wasn't going down that road again. "I was no one to him."

She shook her head. "No, you weren't." She shrugged. "Maddox wasn't the same after you left."

"How was homecoming?" I smirked, remembering how she told me he was going with her.

"It sucked." She sighed. "Maddox and I won king and queen, but Maddox didn't show up to pick me up that night. It all ended up working out for the best, though." I wasn't sure what to say to her. I knew that had been important to her, but at the same time, she deserved everything she got. "I've grown up a lot over the past few years, and I'm not the same girl I was." I didn't know why, but for some reason, I believed her. "I even have a new boyfriend now, and he's amazing. He's older and more mature."

"That's great, Maddy." I smiled sincerely.

"I should go," she said, nodding towards the door. "I'm really sorry, and I hope we can at least be friendly."

"No reason to dwell on the past," I smiled, and I meant it. The way Maddy treated me in high school was wrong, but we were also kids then and weren't anymore. She returned the smile before disappearing out the door.

I wished my encounters with Asher and Maddox would be that easy.



Splashing my hands under the icy water, I attempted to wash them, but the only nightclub in town was a shithole and had no soap or paper towels in the bathroom. This was only the second time I'd been there, and it wasn't my favorite place, but I needed a night out, and even though I wasn't much of a drinker, these circumstances called for liquor.

I gave myself a once over in the foggy bathroom mirror, checking my makeup and clothes. I wasn't here to attract men, but I knew there was a possibility that Chance would be here sometime tonight. Even though he had deadlines to meet, he would want to keep an eye on his players who went out partying the night before they left town. Or at least that's what he always told me anyway.

Spinning, I glanced back at my ass before walking out of the restroom. I wanted to make him wish he'd come to my place. I wanted to make him leave here with me tonight.

Scanning the club, I almost immediately spotted Chance on the second floor overlooking the dance floor. With a drink in his hand, he laughed with one of his players, his gaze focused on something on the dance floor. He'd traded in his coaching attire for a pair of dark jeans and a blue tee. His usually slicked-back dark hair was a tousled mess. He was hot, and every girl in the club had their eyes on him.

He hadn't noticed me.

A smile spread across my face as a rush of liquid courage washed over me. I made a pit stop at the bar, throwing back two shots before making it to the dance floor.

I didn't bother looking up. I knew he'd see me. He couldn't do anything here in a crowd of local college students, but I wanted him to wish he could. I needed him to drag me out of here and fuck me until Maddox had no place in my mind anymore.
