Page 5 of You Broke Me First

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"Shhh..." I dropped my hand to get a better grip on her hips. Pounding her harder, I rocked her hips into the side of the house.

"Harder," she yelled. Fuck. "I'm going to come." My hand clapped back over her mouth. I just wanted her to shut the fuck up so I could get off and get back to the party. Her head tipped back. She moaned into my hand and rocked her hips against me.

I'm not waiting for her to come; I don't care.

With one hard thrust, I exploded into the condom. Every ounce of tension I'd been carrying throughout the day was released, and my body relaxed. I needed that release.

"I gotta go," I said, discarding the condom and shoving myself into my pants. She slid her panties up and situated her skirt. I strolled off, tugging up my zipper as I walked away, leaving her to finish cleaning herself up.

Shoving through the door to the house, I searched the room for Asher, Royce, or Bentley. The music was loud, too loud. The bass vibrated the windows, and I gave it less than an hour before the cops showed up. I turned my nose up as I passed a room where the smell of stale weed and cheap liquor wafted out.

"Mad Dog," Asher called out, announcing my arrival in the kitchen. "'Bout time you got here." I'd been there for over an hour. He was just too drunk to remember.

"How did it go with your tutor girl?" Bentley laughed, leaning against the kitchen counter with his legs crossed at the ankles. "She's a prude, right?"

"She's already eating out of the palm of my hand." I smirked. "I invited her tonight."

"She won't come," Asher yelled over the music, pouring himself another drink of something clear. "She's never come to a party."

"Doesn't matter." I shrugged. "I got time." We still had six weeks until scout day. That was plenty of time to get her right where I wanted her.

"Actually," Asher said, pressing his lips into a tight line, "I talked to coach today, and they moved it up two weeks, and you have to have the pictures a week before, so...." He trailed off, a cocky smirk playing at his lips. He underestimated me. I would have her naked in three weeks.

"Well, then," I said, matching his cocky grin, "I guess I should go find her tonight."

"Who are you talking about?" Isabella asked, hanging on Royce's arm. Isabella and Royce had never labeled their relationship, but she was the closest thing to a serious girlfriend Royce had ever had. I didn't know if they were exclusive, but they were always together.

"Addy," Asher answered for me.

"Oh." Isabella smiled. "She's covering for me at the diner tonight so I could come here." She smiled up at Royce.

"Thanks, Izzy," I said. "I'm out. See y'all Monday."

"Good luck, bro," Royce laughed, pulling Izzy tighter to him.

* * *

Fifteen minutes later,I was pulling into the Riverview Diner. Riverview was a small town where everyone knew everyone, and the Riverview Diner was the only restaurant in it.

Pushing through the glass door covered in red and blue neon lights, I found a seat at the counter and searched for Addy, spotting her at the opposite end of the long counter, checking someone out.

Her hair was pulled back into a low ponytail, but other than that, she looked the same as when I left her at school. She was still wearing the same enormous sweatshirt that hung down to the middle of her thighs.

She didn't notice me immediately, but when she did, she strolled down, setting a menu in front of me.

"I thought you were going to a party tonight?" She smiled, clearing off the dirty dishes next to me.

"I thought you were coming to the party tonight." I smirked, not taking my eyes off her.

"I had to work," she said, grabbing a towel and wiping the counter down.

"No, you didn't," I said. "You picked this shift up."

"Parties aren't really my thing." She pulled out a new placemat, setting it on the counter next to me.

"What is your thing?" I asked. Her green eyes searched mine as she bit down on her lip. She couldn't tell if I was seriously asking her or not. She must have decided I wasn't because she turned. I reached out, wrapping my fingers around her wrist and stopping her. "Seriously, what's your thing?"

"I get off in a few." She hesitated. "I could show you."
