Page 50 of You Broke Me First

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All deals were off. I told her I wouldn't kiss her again unless she asked. Well, she just asked. When the time was right, I would kiss her again, and not that peck on the lips bullshit—a kiss that would make her toes curl. A kiss that would make her realize she was mine.

The clock flashed three-thirty when I snuck into the kitchen. I was still too angry to deal with her this morning. Grabbing my bag, I slipped out the door without a sound.

Shoving the door open to the stairwell, I headed down to the gym, taking the steps a little slower this morning.

Addison was so determined not to feel anything for me that she was ignoring the fact that her boyfriend was obviously an asswipe.

As I passed the door to the 6th floor, something caught my eye in the small window. Stopping and backing up, I peered through the window to see Addison standing in the hallway, half-dressed, talking through a doorway.

"Who the fuck is on the 6th floor?" I mumbled. All the team was on my floor, and all the cheerleaders were on the 8th floor. Did her boyfriend make the drive to see her? Turning the knob, I quietly shoved the door open.

"Chance," she barked. Chance. As in Coach Chance Brown. Why the fuck would she be down here half-naked to talk to Coach, and why was she calling him by his first name?

"You need to get back to your room," Coach ordered, leaning shirtless out the doorway. "Before someone sees you. We can talk later."

I let the door click closed as I took the steps two at a time back to the room, my mind racing. She'd left with him that night at the club. It never crossed my mind because, at the time, I didn't know it was her. She was dating Coach. My chest tightened, and it was suddenly hard to breathe. I stopped, leaning forward with my hands on my knees to keep myself from tumbling forward. I had to be wrong.

I made it back to the room just a few minutes before she did. When I heard the door open, I quickly busied myself with putting another protein shake together.

"Oh my god." She jerked back, grabbing her chest. "I didn't know you were up." I didn't say anything; I just let my eyes trail over her baggy T-shirt and bare-tanned legs. I couldn't say anything because all I felt was anger. Had she begged me to kiss her, then snuck out to fuck him? She'd let me work her up and then fucked him. Swallowed down the lump in my throat, I flicked my gaze back to my shake.

"Are you still mad at me?" she asked.

Rolling my eyes, I turned to face her, but I still couldn't put words together, so I shoved past her to grab my bag. She sighed and stormed to her room, leaving her cell phone on the counter.

I shouldn't... But I needed to know. I grabbed the phone, punching in the code I'd watched her put in over and over on the long bus ride here. I clicked open her messages and clicked on Coach, and I had my answer. He was her boyfriend.

Coach Brown was a dog, but I couldn't tell her that. I'd only be the jealous ex. My stomach churned remembering his talk about his newest fuck toy. Was it her? Had he been talking about Addison? I'd be damned if he was ever going to touch her again.

I needed to work off some of this aggression before I dealt with her this morning, so I set her phone back where she had left it and headed to the gym.



I thought I was calmer after I'd worked out all my aggression in the gym, but when the elevator stopped on the 6th floor on my ride down to the main floor, the doors slid open to Addison standing side by side with Coach. I thought I might blow fire.

"What's up, Maddox?" Coach nodded. Addison stepped into the elevator, pulling her luggage behind her. Jaw clenching, I didn't respond to him; I couldn't. Not that he noticed. "Shit." He patted the pockets of his jeans. "I'll meet you guys at the bus. I forgot my phone." He backed out of the elevator, and I slammed the 'door close' button.

"I guess you're still mad," Addison muttered once the doors were closed.

You know what, fuck this...

I punched the emergency stop button so hard I thought my fist might go straight through.

"What are you doing?" she snapped when the elevator jolted to a stop. Tilting her head, she glared at me.

"Coach," I growled, leaning down so close our noses almost touched. Confusion contorted her face. "You're fucking the coach." I wasn't asking her. Her eyes went wide.

"It's none of your business who I'm fucking," she snapped when the shock wore off. She leaned around me to search for the go button, but I threw my arm out, stopping her. "He's my boyfriend." I wanted to correct her and tell her he couldn't be her boyfriend. He was a professional player. Not to mention, he was her boss.

"Let me make this clear," I hissed. "If you let him touch you, our deal is off, and I will take the next offer to go pro. I know how important I am to your boyfriend and his career. On my way out, I'll make sure the school knows that their coach is fucking his students."

"You're not playing fair, Maddox." She scowled, shoving me back.

"I stopped playing fair when you asked me to kiss you," I pinned her with a cold glare. "You heard me. You let him touch you, and the deal is over." I punched the button, and the elevator jerked into motion. "Just out of curiosity, does he know that when you fuck yourself, you scream my name?" I didn't know for a fact that she fantasized about me, but I was going to push the buttons that pissed her off anyway.

"Oh please," she snapped, surprising me when she punched the emergency stop button, stopping the elevator again. "Do not flatter yourself by thinking I stay awake at night fantasizing about the half-a-fuck you gave me back in high school. I had to find someone to finish what you couldn't." Holy fuck, she was hot. Her green eyes pierced through me with pure hatred. She was taking low blows, but I was up for the challenge because that's just what she made this. "I don't owe you anything. In fact, you should be on your knees begging for my forgiveness."
