Page 63 of You Broke Me First

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"Maybe you two should talk this out in private," Karly suggested. Addison bit down on her bottom lip as she nodded.

"Pizza's in the kitchen," Addison said before disappearing out the door with Karly following.

"I thought you said he might have the videos?" I whisper-hissed once I knew she was out of hearing range.

"If it's Coach," she said more as a question. I nodded, confirming that I knew it was Coach. "Then Asher already did that for us. He was wiping coach's hard drive before I left."

"How do you know he didn't resend it?"

"Trust me," Maddy snorted a laugh. "Coach doesn't want to get caught with those videos right now."

"His wife," I muttered. She nodded. Anger raced through my veins as it sank in what the two of them had been doing to her. My best friend and my coach. "I'm going to kill both of them."

"Maddox," Maddy snapped. "You've got one chance to make this right. Don't fuck it up." I knew what she meant. Addison and I were 'friends,' and now the videos were gone, and now Addison could be Addison without all the added pressure. I just had to remind her why she liked me to begin with.

"Pizza's getting cold," Karly yelled down the hallway.

"Let's eat." Maddy smiled, strolling toward the door.

"Maddy?" She stopped twisting to see me. "How did Asher get those videos?" It just dawned on me that the only video sent out that day in high school was the one of Addy removing her bra. None of the other videos or pictures were sent to anyone, but Asher had them all.

"I think that would be a question for Asher," Maddy whispered, but the guilt covering her face told me she knew how. So my only questions were how did she know, and was she part of it?

I decided not to ask any more questions for the night. If Maddy did have something to do with it, she wouldn't admit it. I'd questioned her hundreds of times over the last few years, and never once had she given any clue that she might have been involved.

Maddy and Addison's loud laughs distracted me from my thoughts, pulling my attention to the three girls. Anger bloomed in my chest as my gaze fixed on Maddy. If Maddy was part of those videos going viral, she could still have copies now.

There was no point in calling her out now. She only had her cell phone, and letting her know I was suspicious would only lead to panic. When we got back, I would have Karly hack Maddy's devices and make sure they were clear, too.

It was midnight before we said our goodbyes and left. We both had to catch a flight to Buffalo in three hours. Pulling out my phone, I sent Karly a quick text warning her Maddy could have the videos before opening my truck door and pulling myself in.



It was the first time I'd been to a game since high school. It was ten times bigger than the high school field where I used to watch him, but it still gave me all the same feels. Before Maddox left the hotel room, he'd laid out a jersey with his name and number on it. It took me thirty minutes to decide whether or not to wear it, but eventually, I gave in and slid into the jersey. Wearing a man's jersey that he gave you in college was equivalent to wearing his letterman's jacket in high school, but I decided I'd boldly drawn the line between us. He understood we were friends.

Blowing out an exasperated sigh, I shook my head. I wasn't sure if I was trying harder to convince myself or him that this was no more than a friendship. My head knew that was how it had to be, but my heart was confused. Maddox was right. He wasn't the same kid who'd hurt me. He was a man who'd been there when I needed someone, but I wasn't sure I could convince my mind that he wouldn't hurt me again like he did back then.

I shook my head again, focusing my attention back on the field. Thirty seconds were left in the fourth quarter, and we were leading by seven points, but it was the opposing team's ball. Scooting to the edge of my seat, my gaze focused on their quarterback as he threw the ball. Sucking in a heavy breath, I watched the ball fly through the air. A player from our team, the Hawks, soared through the air, catching the ball and tucking it tightly against him as he tumbled to the ground.


The crowd roared, with fans screaming, cheering, and chanting.

Game over.

The Hawks didn't get another touchdown, but their fans didn't care; they'd won. I let the crowds thin down before leaving my seat. I was meeting Maddox by the back exit near the locker rooms, and it would be a while before he was done. I'd agreed to a dinner outside the hotel, and then he'd consented to an hour of tutoring.

I watched as, one by one, players from both teams pushed through the exit. My phone vibrated in my hand, distracting me.

Maddox: Got tied up, be out in a few.

Addison: Hurry up, I'm starving.

Maddox: You look good in my jersey.

A smile spread across my face as my gaze flashed up toward the exit, but it wasn't Maddox exiting. I froze as my smile faded when my eyes locked on Chance. I don't know why it never crossed my mind that I might run into him waiting for Maddox, but it didn't.
