Page 68 of You Broke Me First

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"But I said..."

"I know what you said," he cut me off, dropping his hands to his side. "If you decide you still want to walk away at the end of the season, I'll let you go, but I've got you for another few weeks, and I'm all in." His words tore through me. He was 'all in.'

Without another word, he stormed toward the locker room, leaving me alone in the dark tunnel.

What the fuck just happened?



Holding my hands out, I let the heat from the bonfire warm them as I tried to keep my eyes focused on the fire and not Maddox across the lawn, smiling his perfect smile at some blonde. He hadn't said much to me since we'd left the stadium. He'd offered to take me home, but I didn't want to go home, not with him upset with me. I knew what he wanted. He wanted me to say I wanted him to, and if he had been anyone else, I would have already, but he wasn't someone else, and what happened all those years ago still left burn marks on my heart.

"So," Maddy squealed, stepping up beside me. Forcing a smile without taking my eyes off Maddox, I crossed my arms over my chest. "I saw Maddox after-game interview." She bumped me with her shoulder. "I guess it's finally official, then?" Sucking in a deep breath, I shrugged, sighing as I dropped my shoulders. "What?" She pinched her brows. "You are taking playing hard to get to a whole new level." She laughed.

Forcing a smile, I twisted away from the fire to face her. I hadn't seen Maddy since we left Karly's house, and I needed to clear the air before I discussed anything personal with her.

"Maddy, I need to ask you a question." She twisted to face me. Her expression shifted like she knew what was coming. She sucked in a deep breath as her eyes met mine and nodded. "Did you steal the photos of me from Maddox in high school?" Closing her eyes, she groaned. "Whatever you say stays between us. I'm not going to tell Maddox."

"Why not?" she asked, opening her eyes.

"It's not my story to tell," I smiled. "But you will eventually have to answer to him too." She nodded, her gaze flicking back to the fire.

"No, I didn't steal the pictures." Somehow, I already knew that, but I knew there was more to the story.

"But?" I narrowed my eyes.

"But," she sighed, "I gave Asher the password to steal them from Maddox's phone, and I sent them out to everyone." Her gaze flicked back to me. "I'm sorry, Addison. I didn't know there were more pictures or videos and that Asher had them until you told me." I nodded, believing her. "I swear I'm not the same person I was back then, and I really want to make it up to you now."

"Why did you do it?" Even though I knew the answer, I couldn't stop myself from asking.

"Because you had what I thought I wanted." She shrugged. "And I thought you were standing in my way of having him, but the truth is, even if it wasn't you, he still would never look at me the way he looks at you."

"I forgive you." I sighed after several long seconds. I was done holding on to this, and forgiveness was the first step, right? My gaze shifted from Maddy back to Maddox. "Do you think he'd take her home if I wasn't here?"

"No." She scowled. "You really don't get it, do you?"

"What's that?"

"Maddox is obsessed with you. I don't know what's going on right now, but he's not leaving with anyone but you." Her eyes narrowed on me. "Do you want him to take her home?"

"Honestly," I shrugged, "I don't know what I want. Maybe it would be easier if he did."

"How come you can forgive me but not him?" Maddy asked.

"Because I wasn't in love with you," I whispered. "Because I didn't give you my trust only to have you break it."

"Addison, we aren't the same people we were in high school." She smiled, her face softening. "And you owe it to yourself to see what this is." She waved her finger between Maddox and me.

"And what if he destroys me again?"

"And what if he doesn't?" She shrugged, and my gaze blinked from Maddox up to her. She was right. What if he didn't this time? "Plus, I think the only one who has the possibility of being destroyed is him."

I huffed out a laugh. "You think I could hurt him?"

"I think you could destroy him." Her tone was so earnest I almost believed her. My gaze flashed back to Maddox, who was still talking with the same blonde. I didn't know if what Maddy said was true, but she was right. I did owe it to myself to see what, if anything, this chemistry was between Maddox and me. I needed to know that if I chose to walk away at the end of the season, there would be no question about my decision, and I could move forward without ever looking back.

"I'll see you later, Maddy." I flashed her a smile before storming towards Maddox.
