Page 74 of You Broke Me First

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My gaze met his as I took in every feature of his perfect face. His full lips as he bit down on his bottom lip, icy blue eyes, sharp jawline, knowing this could be the last time I see it like this.

Closing my eyes, I pressed my lips to his as I threaded my fingers into his hair, pulling him hard against me as his hips pushed up, meeting mine as I rode him, finding the perfect rhythm that pushed me closer to the edge.

My pussy clenched around him as my legs quivered. I broke from the kiss with a moan. My eyes closed, and his hand tangled into my hair, pulling me, so I arched into him, giving him access to my throat and naked chest.

His mouth closed over my hardened nipple, and when his tongue flicked the taut bud, my body vibrated with pleasure as I cried out, "Maddox."

Releasing my hair, his arm wrapped tightly around me as he lifted and flipped me, so he was on top. I wasn't sure how much more my body could take, but he didn't give me a chance to think about it as his hip thrust hard into mine.

His mouth claimed mine in a messy, sloppy kiss as he laced our fingers together above my head. His hips snapped, and I raised my hips, meeting him thrust for thrust.

My core tightened around him as he ground his hips against mine. Burying his face in my neck, our breathing accelerated, our bodies tensed, and my eyes squeezed shut as pleasure washed over me as his hot liquid filled me.

He collapsed on top of me, and I welcomed the weight of his body—the feel of his skin against mine.

We lay silently for several long minutes, savoring every minute, knowing that tomorrow, everything could change.



Leaning against the kitchen counter, I watched Addison typing away on her laptop in my living room. Addison had been unusually quiet today. She'd seemed distracted most of the day. The chemistry between us last night was on fire, but something was off. I could feel it and knew why; she still didn't trust me.

"So," I started, crossing my arms over my bare chest and staring at her sitting on the couch. She was so entranced in what she was doing that she didn't see me stroll up beside her. "Are we going to address the elephant in the room?" Her body tensed as her head snapped up, gaze locking on mine. Addison still didn't trust me, and I felt like we needed to clear the air on this subject if we were ever going to be able to move past it. Relationships were based on trust and communication, and we seemed to be lacking in both areas. I trusted her, but I wasn't sure how much she trusted me, if at all. She needed to hear me say the words that I would never cross the lines I crossed in high school again, and I needed to know if she would ever be able to trust me again.

"Elephant?" she said, her eyes still wide. Sucking in a deep breath, her face softened as she exhaled heavily. Her throat bobbed on a hard swallow as her entire expression changed. She reached out, closing her laptop. "I was going to talk to you about it over dinner, but I guess it's best we get it over with." She pushed off the couch and twisted her body to face mine. "Yesterday, I was offered an internship in New York, and I'm leaving Monday."

I blinked in temporary shock. Did she say she was leaving? Like, leaving for good? "Wait, what?" I scowled, my arms dropping to my sides. "You're leaving?" There was no way I heard her right.

"Yes, wait," she pinched her brows, "what elephant were you talking about?"

"Trust," I hissed. "The fact that you still don't trust me, but this all makes sense now, why you were acting so weird last night. It wasn't because you didn't trust me. It was because you already knew you were leaving me." I twisted away from her, shoving a hand through my hair as I stared aimlessly at the ground. "I could feel something was different."

"Maddox," she started. "It doesn't have to be like that. It's only for four months."

"Months," I hissed, drawing out the word. "New York is over a thousand miles away, and you will be gone for months." I spun to face her. "How are we supposed to build trust when you live a thousand miles away, Addison?"

"Honestly, Maddox, I may never be able to truly trust you again," she breathed, pain flickering across her face. "You broke that a long time ago." She wrapped her arms around herself. "You broke me, and I don't know if I'll ever be fixed again."

My heart squeezed painfully tight. She was wrong. She would trust me again, but that would never happen if she lived over a thousand miles away for months. If she left now, when the relationship was so new and vulnerable, it wouldn't survive. I wouldn't survive.

"Addison, please," I pleaded, dropping to my knees in front of her. "Don't do this again. Don't run away from me again."

"Maddox, I'm not leaving under the same circumstance," she said.

"Maybe not exactly the same, but it's still the same," I said, pushing to my feet. "You are running away from us."

"I have to go, Maddox." She sighed. "I need this internship to graduate, to get a job, to get a foot in the door." She shrugged. "I'm sorry, but I have to go."

"You said you were all in," I muttered. "You promised you'd be here until the end of the season."

"I was, I am," she corrected. "And the season is over next weekend."

Our relationship was still too new to survive her in New York and me in Florida. If she left, I knew it was over. I'd never see her again, and I wasn't sure my heart could handle that kind of pain again.

My gaze scanned her face for something, anything. Sadness twisted her features, and then it all sank in. "Was this all part of your plan?" My chest tightened with anger. "To make me fall for you all over to break me this time. To make me pay for what I did?"

"What?" she stammered. "Maddox, no."
