Page 81 of You Broke Me First

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"I'll explain later," I said, pushing open the doors and holding them so Brandon could guide Maddox through them.

I sucked in a heavy breath when we made it through the back exit and out into the cool night air. It took a little longer than two minutes to drag Maddox's drunk ass back to my apartment. Luckily, he was a happy drunk, a very friendly drunk.

I unlocked my front door and held it open while Brandon dragged Maddox in and dropped him on my couch.

"What was that about?" Brandon asked, shoving a hand through his dark hair.

"You don't recognize him?" I asked, sliding off my slippers and dropping my purse on the counter. Brandon leaned back, his gaze flicking to Maddox on the couch.

"Maddox Parker," he said, his gaze snapping back to me. I nodded.

"The press knew he was there," I said. "And if I didn't get him out of there, he would have been in the headlines before midnight."

"Aren't you the press?" He smirked.

"Yeah," I shrugged, "but I can't do that to him."

He nodded. "Are you sure you'll be okay with him here?" Brandon asked. Brandon and I were friends, but he wanted more. He knew I wasn't ready for anything serious, though. My heart was still healing from Maddox, and I was busy with my career, but if I were going to date, I would have given him a chance. He was attractive and a nice guy.

"Yes," I nodded. "Thank you for your help."

"Call me if you need anything," Brandon said. I smiled and pulled the front door open for him, and once he was gone, I closed it and checked on Maddox, who was passed out and snoring. I pulled off his shoes, tossed a blanket on him, and then curled up on the other couch to finish the article I was working on before I left to get Maddox.



My eyes snapped open, and panic surged through me at the sound of someone stomping around my apartment, but when Maddox trudged into view, I remembered he had stayed over.

"I guess you got your story," Maddox hissed, pulling on his shirt. At some point during the night, Maddox had removed his hoodie and t-shirt. I pressed my lips into a thin line as my gaze raked over him involuntarily.

It took me a minute to shake the fog of sleepiness to realize what he was talking about. My gaze followed him as he stomped around the room, fist clenched at his side, pissed as hell, looking for something.

"Where is my phone?" he growled. "The last thing I want is to be here when your story leaks." I didn't know where his phone was. I knew he had it at the bar when he called me, but I never saw it when I got there.

Digging into the couch cushion, I pulled my cell phone out. "Here," I yawned. He paused, his gaze flicking from me to the phone, confusion contorting his face. "Check it." I rose from the couch, strolling to stand in front of him. "There is no story. I didn't take any pictures and made sure no one knew you were here." He narrowed his eyes on the phone. "Take it." I shoved it into his chest. "The password is 112200." He punched in the password, and I turned away.

"Addison," he muttered, and I glanced over my shoulder to see him holding my phone out and Big Boss lighting up the screen.

"Shit," I muttered, twisting to snatch my phone. "I have to take this." I stepped towards my room but stopped spinning on my heels back towards him. "There's coffee in the kitchen if you want to hang for a minute, but I understand if you need to go. Either way, I promise you there is no story." He nodded, and I bolted to my bedroom before sliding right to answer the call.

"Good morning," I said, hitting the speaker button.

"Tell me you got something good for me," Jacob sang into the phone.

Shit! How do I talk myself off this ledge?

"Sorry, he wasn't there," I said more confidently than I felt. "There was a guy at the bar in a hoodie who looked like him, but it wasn't."

"Are you sure?"


"Too bad." He sighed. "That could have been your big break." I rolled my eyes. I hated that I had to throw someone else under the bus to get my big break. "Anyway, how's the interview coming along?"

"Honestly," I sighed, "I think you may be better off getting someone else for this job."

"Addison," he snapped. "You need this interview." He cleared his throat. "Sports Gossip needs this interview. Do you understand what I'm saying?"Loud and clear. Get the interview, or we'll replace you with someone who can get it.
