Page 87 of You Broke Me First

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Maddox, I love you!

Maddox, will you marry me?

Does Maddox have a girlfriend?Nothing is more personal than that.

"Does Maddox have a girlfriend?" I asked.

"No," he answered, his gaze flicking to me briefly before smiling for the camera.

"Okay, next questions." I narrowed my eyes at the screen. "How do you know Maddox?" I read the question out loud. I knew better than to do that. You screened your questions first; I knew this.

"We are old friends from high school," Maddox answered hesitantly. I didn't expect the questions to go this way. They weren't supposed to be about me or me and Maddox. "We also went to college together."

8.6K watching...

The comment section went wild.

Maddox leaned in, his eyes narrowing on the screen. "Addison, did you and Maddox date?" Maddox's gaze flicked back to me. "Addison?"

Swallowing hard, my gaze flicked from Maddox to the screen. I hadn't realized my personal life might also be up for grabs during the exclusive. Clearing my throat, I nodded, forcing a smile. "We dated very briefly but decided we were better as friends." I wasn't prepared to answer questions about myself and Maddox's past, and it caught me off guard.

15k watching...

"Well, guys, that's all we have time for today. Make sure you are following me so you don't miss our next live tomorrow." I hit the button, ending the live.

"Well, that went in a direction I wasn't prepared for," I mumbled. Maddox pushed out of the chair and stormed toward the house. He was angry. No, his posture didn't scream anger, but he was upset. "Maddox." He didn't answer as he slid the glass door open, walked inside, and closed it behind him. "What the fuck just happened?"

* * *

Hours after the interview,Maddox finally surfaced from his room, fully dressed in dark faded jeans and a black team t-shirt that fit snugly against his broad chest.

"Are you ready?" he mumbled.

"Is everything okay?" I asked. He didn't answer. "Maddox, did I do something wrong?" He opened the fridge, pulled out a water bottle, and closed the refrigerator. "I don't know if you don't tell me."

"You really want to know?" He sneered. I nodded. "We didn't decide we were better as friends. We didn't decide anything. You left." Okay, so we were going to do this now.

"Maddox, I'm sorry if what I said upset you." I sighed. "But I wasn't prepared for questions about us. It actually never crossed my mind that people might be curious about us."

"It doesn't matter." He shrugged.

"So what should I have told them?" I asked, sliding off the stool and strolling around the kitchen island, stopping in front of him. "Should I have told them the truth? Do you want our entire history out in the world to be dissected by millions of people?" He stepped back like I was too close, and it hurt.

"I don't know." He sighed, dragging his hand down his face. His gaze flicked down to me as he sucked in a deep breath and slowly released it. "What you said was probably the best thing to say, but we should have our story together for the next live so there are no surprises for either of us."

"I'll make sure I screen the questions better next time, too."

"We should go," he said, and I nodded. "Remember the rules. Everything is off the record unless you clarify beforehand."

"I remember." I smiled.

The drive to Rice's house was silent, and once he'd brought me inside, he'd disappeared with his famous 'I'll be right back' line I was starting to get used to.

I wandered around the party, completely invisible to everyone around me. I was used to that, though.

"You don't have a drink," a deep male voice said when I strolled into the kitchen. "What can I get you?"

"A beer." I smiled. He reached into the fridge, pulled out a bottle, opened it, and handed it to me.
