Page 93 of You Broke Me First

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"Rumors have it he was your first?"

"Is it true that you caused the breakup between him and his long-time girlfriend?"

I stood, mouth gaping. I was the press, and it was like I completely froze.Pull yourself together, Addison.

"No comment," I muttered, trying to shove my way through them, but I realized I didn't bring my key with me, and I couldn't get into the building. "Back up, please." Their bright lights flashed in my face as they continued barking questions.

The door swung open, and large hands wrapped around my arm as Maddox jerked me inside, dragging me out of sight of the windows.

"I told you not to go anywhere without security," he yelled, his tone cold and clipped, filled with anger.

"I didn't think about it," I shouted back, fighting my tears. I hadn't thought about it. I'd needed air, and it never crossed my mind that I might be swarmed with paparazzi on the pool deck of his hotel.

"I told you the media is relentless," he snapped. "And they will stop at nothing to get their story. You should know this." I didn't know why that statement cut so deep, but it did. It was like he took a dagger, stabbed it through my heart, and twisted it; that was how he meant it.

"I'm sorry," I cried out. "I'm sorry I left. I'm sorry I didn't choose you." A tear streamed down my face. "I get it. I understand why you hate me."

"You think I hate you?" he snapped, his brows pinched. A pained look covered his face.

"I know you do," I choked. "You can't even sleep in the same bed as me."

"I don't hate you," he growled. "You don't get it, do you?" He surged forward, invading my space. I took a step back, my back hitting the wall. He stood so close I could feel the heat radiating off him. "I love you. I want you." His hands curled around my waist as he pressed his body firmly against mine. "I don't want to share a bed with you because I can't do that and not keep you." My gaze flashed up, meeting his as another tear streamed down my cheek. "I can't go through losing you again. I can't kiss you and hold you. I can't touch you and fall down that rabbit hole only for you to walk away from me again because I'm not sure I could survive it."

I opened my mouth, but he'd rendered me speechless.

"So unless you are here to stay," he said, brushing his lips against mine, "forever as my girl, I can't do those things with you."

I nodded.

"I know I broke you first," he breathed. "But you broke me when you left."

"You told me you were going to move on if I left." I swallowed hard. "I wanted to call so many times, but I remembered what you said."

He stepped back, his gaze locked on mine. Sucking in a deep breath, his chest rose and fell slowly when he exhaled.

"I should never have said any of that to you." He sighed. "I should never have made you choose between me and your career, and I'm sorry for that, but it doesn't change anything. My heart still wants you, which is why I said that once this interview is over, you walk away and never come into my life again because as long as you are in it, I'll never stand a chance of moving on." He shoved his hands in his pockets. "Unless you feel the same and you plan to stay forever." I wiped away my tears with the back of my hand. "I would do anything for another chance, but I also know your life is in New York, and right now, mine is Florida, and I wouldn't ask you to give anything up, but the ball is in your court now."

He twisted away from me, heading toward the elevator.

"There hasn't been a single day I haven't thought about you," I said so softly that I wasn't sure I'd said it aloud. He froze. "I still love you, Maddox, but I'm not sure how to do this, and I'm scared of feeling that heartbreak again, too." He twisted his deep blue eyes, locking on mine.

"Don't play with me, Addy," he said.

I shook my head. "I'm not playing with..." He stormed forward, grabbing my face and slamming his mouth against mine, cutting off my words, and I melted into him like he was everything familiar. He broke from the kiss; his forehead pressed against mine.

"Let's go to bed."

I nodded.



Pulling back the blanket, I slid into the bed beside Addison before clicking off the light.

"Are you sure you don't want me to sleep on the floor?" Addison asked again for the fourth time since we'd gotten back into the room. "I really don't mind if you are uncomfortable."

I rolled my eyes. "No," I grunted, situating myself in the bed and shoving my hand behind my head. "Stop asking."
