Page 99 of You Broke Me First

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A throaty groan rumbled deep in his chest as he assaulted my mouth with violent, messy kisses. I no longer heard anything but our labored breathing and the wet sounds of our sweaty bodies colliding.

He withdrew and plunged back in hard and fast, hitting that spot that set my body on fire. Pleasure rolled over me, and I desperately rocked my hips forward, meeting him thrust for thrust.

I was close.

So fucking close.

I couldn't even remember the last time someone made my body feel like this. I couldn't remember the last time I'd wanted someone this desperately.

My whole body vibrated in spasms as I cried out. "Maddox." And I came so hard my breath lodged in my throat, my abs clenched, and I literally saw stars.

Every muscle in his body tightened. "Fuck." His hand curled into my thigh, his fingernails digging into the tender flesh as he rolled his hips, withdrew, and with one last hard thrust, he filled me with his hot liquid.

He collapsed on top of me, and I welcomed his weight, his heat. I'd missed feeling him skin to naked skin. I'd missed everything about him—his touch, his kiss, his smile, his laugh, and I didn't want to give it up again, but I also didn't know if either of us was ready to dive in head first.



Unfamiliar muffled voices pulled me out of my sleep, and when my eyes eased open and came into focus, and it wasn't Maddox standing in front of me, panic surged through me, and I bolted up.

"I can definitely work with that." A tall, thin, blonde man smirked, rubbing his chin as his gaze trailed over me. My brows furrowed as I followed his line of sight to my naked body.

"Shit," I muttered, scrambling with the blanket to cover myself. I was still naked on the couch where I'd passed out the night before with Maddox, but Maddox was gone.

"Good morning." The man smiled. He wore all black and stood beside a short, black-haired woman dressed in every color of the rainbow.

"What the fuck?" I yelled, clutching the blanket around me. "Maddox."

Maddox strolled in from the back of the house shirtless, covered in sweat, in a pair of low-hanging black gym shorts. I probably would have drooled a little if I wasn't naked in the living room with strangers, but the strangers didn't miss the opportunity to ogle him.

"Morning." He smiled, wrapping the white towel in his hand around the back of his neck, and while the strangers were hypnotized, I wasn't so much at the moment.

Maddox's lack of panic at the two strangers in his house said he was aware they were there.

"Who the hell are they?" I hissed, pointing between Rainbow Bright and Darth Vader with my free hand.

"Your stylist team." Maddox smirked. "This is Pacey." Maddox pointed to Darth Vader. "He is an amazing... What's the word you use?"

"Fashionista." Darth Vader beamed, cocking his hip out.

"And this is Carmen," Maddox pointed to Rainbow Bright. "She is an amazing hair stylist and makeup artist, and they will be helping you get ready for tonight."

"What? No," I muttered. "I can get myself ready."

"Come on, Addy," Maddox's brow pinched. "You don't want to deny Pacey and Carmen a paycheck, do you?" My gaze flashed to the strangers.

"I have three kids in college." Pacey, aka Darth Vader, scowled.

"I don't have any kids," Carmen, aka Rainbow Bright, said dryly. Her personality didn't fit her clothing. In fact, it seemed like they'd swapped personalities for the day based on their clothing. "But I like money."

"See," Maddox said, shrugging his broad shoulders. "You are one decision away from deciding whether or not they are unemployed today."

"Oh geez," I muttered, rolling my eyes. "Fine, but let me get dressed."

Fifteen minutes later, I was dressed, Maddox was gone, and I was left with Carmen and Pacey. Sitting on a barstool, my eyes flicked between them as their judging gaze narrowed.

They stood with arms crossed, heads cocked, and brows pinched as their gazes raked over me.
