Page 44 of Destined Shadows

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I don’t knowwhat it is with this woman and her ability to just… be her, but my soul fucking likes it. I slept like the dead, barely waking up with enough time to work out this morning after a fucked up night from Hell, and even though I don’t want to admit it, I know it has something to do with her being in my bed.

It was a close call whether I was going to get my exercise in by fucking her hard and fast or actually going outside with the others. And despite how desperate I was to feel her, the night’s revelations forced me to put a little bit of space between us so I could think.

Not that I’ve really done much thinking that hasn’t revolved around her.

Even now, as we head toward the main academy building for today’s classes, she doesn’t stay a step behind me like usual. No, she clings to my arm. Her fingers flex around my biceps, sending a direct shot to my fucking dick. I’m seriously considering that something might be wrong with me.

“Are you okay? You feel tense,” she states, looking up at me with those long fucking eyelashes that flutter like butterflies, luring me in and making me soft.

“I’m fine,” I grunt, and I feel her hand begin to slip from my arm. Before she can release me completely, I press my tricep into my side, trapping her fingers between them. She takes the silent hint, holding onto me once again.

“Are we shocked Leila didn’t show up this morning like usual?” Zane asks from behind, and Raven shakes her head.

“No. After she dropped the bomb on us abouttheasshole on campus, I told her I needed some breathing space. Which included leaving me to come to her. She can listen at least,” she mutters.

I can see why she’s able to see both sides of the coin with the Nightmares Guild and Leila’s participation, but my brothers and I all saw the pain on Raven’s face when she first saw her. If I can be a pillar of strength to ward off anything that may make her feel like that again, I will. Shady friends included.

I’m not trying to be a controlling fucker, even though it’s definitely in my nature, so I’m trying to respect her wants, but if Leila rocks with Sebastian and Genie, then she’s out. No questions asked. Possibly dead because that shit would be a betrayal.

“You know you’re sitting beside her in most of the lessons today, though, right?” Creed appears at her other side, concern in his dark eyes, and she shrugs.

“That I can handle.”

“Or, you could sit with one of us instead,” Eldon offers, wagging his brows at her, and she rolls her eyes.

“No thanks, I actually need to focus,” she retorts, like we would be some kind of distraction, but before I can call her out on it, a shadow falls over us and we instinctively stop.


The sound of Sebastian’s voice saying her name is worse than dying, I’m sure of it.

Raven’s hold on my arm drops, but I clutch her fingers before she can take a step back.

“What do you want, asshole?” Eldon bites before I get the chance, and the slimy fucker smirks.

“Just wanted to check in on the new… recruits. Wondering if you’re ready to be put through your paces or if you’ll even survive it,” he says with a sneer. Even though Raven’s glare doesn’t budge on her face, I feel her fingers wrap slightly tighter around my own and I take that as my cue to make sure this fucker can’t get any closer to her.

“Thanks, but fuck off,” I grunt, pulling Raven a step behind me as I sense Creed, Zane, and Eldon all inch closer too.

“I’m talking to my sister.”

“No. She stopped being your sister when you stopped protecting her,” I snarl, feeling the eyes of other students on us as they slow down to watch the drama unravel. “Now, she’s mine. And unless I fucking say so, you don’t get to speak to her. At. All.”

My pulse pounds in my ear, screaming one word over and over.


I feel possessive as hell and I really couldn’t care less.

“Yesterday’s excitement changes all of that because I’m a faction leader. Which means I overrule every word that comes out of your mouth,” he spits, inching closer to get in my face, as if I’m going to back down from him.

This guy has no damn clue who he’s pushing at. But if he wants to get familiar, I’m more than happy to help him along. Shuffling Raven completely behind me and out of his view, I straighten my spine so I stand a few inches taller than him.

If he wants to play the intimidation game, I’m all in.

I get myself so close that my chest brushes against his. “Fuck you. Fuck your ranking. Fuck your last damn name. It means nothing. Not after you put hands on her and tried to play God with her life.” His hand lifts to my shoulder, ready to push me away, but it’s too late; my blood is already boiling.

Rearing my fist back, it’s stone before it touches him, blasting him backward into the academy building with a grunt and a splattering of his blood coating my fingers. I hear the gasps ring out around us, but none of that matters. All that matters is him knowing the new fucking rules. Moving up beside him, I crouch, bringing my nose to his as I sneer.
