Page 83 of Destined Shadows

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“I wonder what that’s about,” Zane muses, turning back to face me, and I shrug.

“Since she didn’t look worried, I’m going to leave her to it and not add anything else to my plate right now,” I admit, and Zane nods in understanding.

“Good plan.” I look at Brax, who is observing me over the rim of his glass, but he doesn’t say anything else and neither do I. The second he places the glass on the table, the five of us stand without uttering a single word. Sometimes, it’s weird how naturally in sync we are, but I think that’s because I’ve never felt anything even remotely like this before.

Brax steps in front, marching through the dining hall like a man on a mission, and I rush to keep up with him, with Creed and Eldon at my side and Zane a step behind me. I scan the room, watching for Genie and any bullshit she may try to throw at me, but I don’t see her. Or Sebastian, for that matter. Maybe they’re off entertaining each other, but I quickly tamp down that thought as a sliver of bile threatens to fill my mouth.

The crowd of students in the hallway is small since most are still in the dining hall, and by the time we reach the main entrance, there’s no one around at all. Let’s hope that means Lyra isn’t too busy.

I frown as I approach the door to her office, noting that it’s sitting slightly ajar. I don’t think I’ve ever seen it like that. It’s always closed. I still raise my hand to knock, not wanting to show up to ask for a favor, only to piss her off before I even get started. But before my knuckles hit the wood, Brax catches my wrist. Turning my scowl his way, he shakes his head and taps his ear with his free hand.

Listen, he mouths, and I strain my ears to hear over my thundering heart as he slowly releases my hand.

“Excellent. This is exactly what we needed.”

“Of course.”

Two people are talking on the other side, two familiar voices, but neither of them belonging to Lyra. I think… is that…

“Sebastian,” Creed whispers in my ear, adrenaline coursing through my veins. It is, but who is he speaking to?

“Everything is in place. The plan is foolproof. Now we must all play our parts, son, and the rest will fall exactly as it should.” Son? But that doesn’t sound like my father.

Glancing over my shoulder, I come face to face with Zane, who mouths the one word I was really hoping he wouldn’t.


I should have fucking known my brother was up to no good. My hands clench at my sides and my nostrils flare with anger.

“And the other thing we discussed?” Sebastian asks, making me strain even more as I lean closer to the door.

“All set. I told you; get me in here and there will be endless power at your feet. I’m a man of my word.”

My jaw goes slack with horror as the realization hits me hard. Sebastian. He let them in? How? And, more importantly, why? What is this all about?

“Good, but remember, my father mustn’t know,” Sebastian insists, eradicating the next question on my tongue. If Sebastian is involved with this man, then I was sure Abel would be too, but he can’t be.

What the hell is Sebastian up to?

I’m ready to barge through the door and demand answers, but hands suddenly grab my waist and lift me off the floor. “Not now, Shadow. Not yet,” Brax breathes, taking a step back from the door, then another, and another.

I want to fight him, kick and scream, demand he put me the fuck down, but deep down, I know he’s right. Even if I don’t want him to be.


He doesn’t release me until we’re around the corner, the presence of other students acting as a buffer for him as my feet touch the floor.

“Don’t be mad at him, Dove.” I glance at Zane and exhale heavily.

“I’m not mad at any of you guys, and I know Brax did the right thing.” I swipe a hand down my face. “I’m mad that Sebastian would have the fucking audacity to do that. I’m mad that I don’t have any answers for what he’s doing or why, but most of all, I’m mad that I’m related to him. His blood runs through my veins, too, and it infuriates me.” My chest harshly rises with every breath and I can’t contain it.

Instead of going to Lyra to hopefully get some answers, I’ve ended up with more questions. This is the story of my fucking life.

A bell chimes in the distance and everyone starts moving around us, heading to their next class, and I reluctantly fall into step with them. I’m done with today.

Trudging to Fitch’s class, I’m ready to be in my fitness clothes and training so I can burn off some of this excess energy, but to my surprise, when we get there, he’s directing everyone into a classroom.

Leila is already in her spot and I take the seat beside her, dropping my bag to the floor with a thud.
