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Charlotte looks out her side of the car. But after a moment, she returns to me. “What did that little sign at the end of your puppet show say? I saw the show where the prince saved the princess from the fire-breathing dragon by jizzing all over the flames. At least, that’s how I interpreted what I was seeing, without the benefit of narration.”

I laugh. “I can’t believe you saw me doing that.”

“It was awesome. The whole thing was impressive.” She side-eyes me. “Especially the prince.”

Whoa. If I wondered if Charlotte was flirting with me earlier, I’m not wondering now. The woman literally just called my dickimpressive.“Uh, all my puppet shows end the same way. With a sign I pull out that says, ‘And they lived happily ever after.’”

She whoops. “I love it! That’s how we’ll end all our shows, too, even when they’re not technically a fairytale. It’ll be our catchphrase. An inside joke with the audience.”

“Sounds good to me.”

Charlotte looks out the window again. She murmurs, “This is gonna be good. Everything’s gonna be okay.” She sounds like she’s trying to convince herself, more than me, and that kind of worries me. With a loud exhale, Charlotte returns to me and paints a smile on her beautiful face—but the tell-tale fear in her green eyes makes my heart race. “You’ll see, Auggie,” she saysbrightly. “At the end of this, everything’s gonna be great. We’ll pay off your debt and mine and put this behind us. I’m sure of it.”



“Get into position, please. I want to set the framing.”

I’m speaking to Charlotte. She’s sitting on the foot of my bed, fully clothed, watching me set up a tripod and ring light for our imminent first foray into puppetry porn. We’ve spent the whole afternoon plotting, planning, and prepping. Also, chatting, laughing, and swapping stories through it all.

The tension and resentments between us have vanished now. We’re a team. United by our joint cause. The only things I feel around Charlotte at this point are attraction and excitement. I can’t believe I’m about to get naked with this sparkling woman and smash my body parts against hers in the name of making money. I’d have preferred to get naked and smash body parts in private, of course; in the name of nothing but mutual, molten lust. But I’ve become increasingly horny around Charlotte, the more time we’ve hung out and gotten to know each other, so at this point, I’m grateful for any reason to get to see her without a stich of clothing on.

At my request, Charlotte scoots her full length onto my bed, at which point I start fiddling with the framing on my phone’s camera. Earlier, we agreed to dispense with any kind of curtaincontraption for our joint puppet show, and instead let the audience see our full, naked bodies at all times throughout our shenanigans. For one thing, we’d have to make a curtain big enough to fit across both of us, which wouldn’t be easy. And for another thing, a curtain would drastically limit our movements. Charlotte thinks, and I agree, that maintaining the look of an actual puppet show isn’t nearly as important, in terms of maximizing our earnings, as letting people see every inch of our naked bodies at all times.

“Sex sells,” Charlotte told me, when we talked about this earlier. “I loved your puppet show, but I think we should be less focused on getting the plot and technicalities right, and more focused on having fun and giving people hot bodies to look at. We’ll explain it up front—that it’s like the “Lion King” musical. Have you seen that one?”


“There are puppeteers dressed in black on-stage, the whole time, holding the puppets. And soon, you don’t even remember the people are there. We’ll tell them to focus their attention on the prince, or the hills and valleys he’s valiantly traversing to save the princess; but even so, we’ll fully expect them to stare at your dick and my tits the whole the time.”

I was impressed with Charlotte’s logic. It was one of many brilliant strategic suggestions on her part. In fact, it didn’t take long into our strategy session for me to realize Charlotte’s one-hundred-percent the brains behind this operation—that my job here is to shut up, get hard and stay that way, and do as I’m told.

“Okay, the framing looks great,” I say, straightening up from the tripod. “Lemme spackle the hole, real quick, so I don’t see it midway through the show and wilt.” God help me, if I were to glance at the peephole during our show, and then remember that my poor grandma was probably spied on through it, that wouldn’t be a good thing for my hard-on.

“While you do that,” Charlotte says, “I’ll put the props in order, so they’re easy to grab off the mattress in the moment.”

“Good thinking, boss.” I grab the spackle jar and get to work on the wall, while Charlotte organizes the array of silly props we made together this afternoon.

“Have you noticed the hole is precisely placed in the middle of a flower?” Charlotte says behind me, referring to the pattern of the wallpaper. “I can see why your grandmother never noticed it.”

“Yeah, I noticed.” It’s all I’m willing to say. Talking about this is making me feel sick, and that’s not a good thing to be feeling when I’m moments away from whipping out my dick and rubbing it across Charlotte’s tits and belly, all in the name of The Prince traversing meadows, hills, and valleys, in search of his princess.

The hole filled, I turn around, poised to say something to Charlotte—and stop short when I find her lying seductively on my bed in her bra and panties.

“Oh.” We’ve talked about shooting an enticement video first, fully clothed. A clip where we tease the amazing things to come, but only if you pay for a monthly subscription to our channel. I’m not complaining, though. Charlotte looks incredible. Sexy and curvy. Soft in all the right places. Frankly, I can’t remember the last time I’ve had a woman on my bed I’ve wanted to fuck as badly as I want to fuck Charlotte McDougal. Over the last few days, this woman’s pissed me off like nobody else. Made me laugh that way, too. And today, she’s flat-out impressed me with her brilliant mind. If that’s not a recipe for a hard dick, then I don’t know what is. “You look amazing, Charlotte.”

She smiles wickedly. “Thank you. I’ve decided we should do the enticement video in our underwear, rather than fully clothed. We’ll tease them a bit and make them want to see the rest. Cool with you?”

My dick is tingling like crazy at the sight of her. “You’re the boss.”

Charlotte motions for me to join her state of undress, so I pull off my T-shirt and Charlotte’s green eyes blaze with approval. I take a deep breath and remove my pants, revealing that I’ve now got a straining, aching hard-on behind my briefs. There’s no way of hiding it now:this woman turns me on like fucking crazy.

Charlotte grins seductively. “Looks like The Prince is good to go.”

“So far, so good. But the camera’s not on yet. He gets stage fright, sometimes.”
