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“That was so fucking hot,” Charlotte says. “Oh my god.” She laughs. “Sorry, guys. That wasn’t much of a puppet show. ButI bet you don’t mind, do you? Make sure you’re set up to get a notification every time we go live or post. We’re going to be doinga lotof these shows in the near future, and you don’t want to miss a single one. Say goodbye for now, Salami Slinger.”

I’m gasping for breath. But I raise my arm and choke out, “Bye for now.”

With a chuckle, Charlotte says, “See you again soon. Tips welcomed and highly appreciated. Bye.”

She grabs the remote and shuts off the camera before snuggling up to me. “Holy shit, Auggie! That was one hell of a puppet show!”

I laugh. “That was a puppet show?”

“It was incredible. Should we peek at how much we made during the livestream?”

“Oh, yeah.That. Yeah, I suppose we should. Don’t forget, we’ll make more on the video later. This number will only reflect new monthly subscriptions and tips during the actual livestream.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

I navigate to my dashboard and press a couple buttons. And then gasp in shock at dollar amount staring at me. “Holy fucking shit!” I blurt. “You’re a genius.”

“We did good?”

I look up from my screen, my eyes wide. “Charlotte Fucking McDougal, we just made almost two thousand bucks!”



“You were right,” Auggie admits. “This is a cinematic masterpiece.”

“And you thought I was exaggerating.”

“I stand corrected. You actually undersold it.”

I’m snuggled up with Auggie and Lucky on Auggie’s couch. We’re both in sweats while watching the silly horror flick,Anaconda. When Auggie and I sat down to relax and enjoy some pizza about an hour ago after our second and final puppet show of the day, we immediately started brainstorming ideas for tomorrow’s shows, since it’s now clear we’re on to something lucrative here. And that’s when I had the bright idea to do a parody of the movie currently playing on Auggie’s TV,Anaconda,starring Auggie’s cock as the titular character. But since Auggie has never seen the film, we’re watching it to come up with ideas.

As we’ve watched the silly movie together, our bodies have slowly drifted together and entangled on the couch. At this point, my legs are draped over Auggie’s lap like it’s the most natural thing in the world, and Auggie’s palm is resting comfortably on my thigh. It’s crazy how physically at ease we are with each other by now. I guess it speeds up the bonding processwhen two people get naked and fool around for an online audience, twice, including one person shooting copious amounts of splooge onto the other person’s tits both times. Combine that physical stuff with the fact that we know each other’s worst secrets and what you get is rapid-fire bonding like nothing I’ve experienced before. At this point, I feel like I’ve known this delightful man my whole life, rather than a few short days.

Auggie laughs and points at the craziness on his TV screen: the anaconda is currently swallowing a screaming man whole. “How the hell are we going to pull that off, McDougal?” he asks. “If it were the other way around, if theresearcherwas eating theanacondawhole, that’d be a whole lot easier to act out.” He snickers. “Not to mention, a whole lot of fun for me.”

I giggle. “Our shows don’t have to be logical. The audience will go along with whatever stupid thing we do, as long as it’s all in good fun. To parody this scene, all I’d have to do is grip your cock and shout: ‘Plot twist!I’mthe Queen Anaconda now, andthisis the researcher!’ and then shove your dick in my mouth and swallow the researcher whole. Easy peasy. I guarantee nobody in the audience will think, ‘Hey, that’s not how it went in the movie.’”

I’ve rendered poor Auggie speechless. He’s opening and closing his mouth like a fish on a line. Obviously, he thought he was being a saucy man-minx with me—but now he knows: there’s nobody who can out-sauce and/or out-minx Charlotte McDougal.

“Uh, yeah, that would definitely work,” Auggie finally says stiffly, after pulling himself together.

I bat my eyelashes. “Unless, of course, you’re not comfortable with me shoving your dick all the way down my throat, on-camera?” I’m pretending I don’t know his answer, just for the fun of it. So far, I’ve licked Auggie’s length during our two shows, but I haven’t actuallyblownhim. Not properly, anyway. But Ihave no doubt he’ll tell me he’s perfectly willing to let me deep-throat him, any ol’ time. It’s written all over his handsome face.

“Um . . . No, yeah, sure, I’m down for whatever. You’re the boss here.”

Ha. Poor Auggie. He’s trying to sound cool and calm but failing miserably. In fact, the man just abruptly covered the crotch of his sweatpants with his large hands. Hmm, I wonder why Auggie suddenly feels the need to do that?

“Okay, great,” I say. “Then that’s the plan for ourAnacondagrand finale. I suggest we do that show down the line a bit, though. I think we should build anticipation before then—let each show get a little bit hotter and sexier. By the time we get to a show where Queen Anaconda swallows your dick-the-researcher whole, I want us to have grown our subscriptions quite a bit from what they are now.”

Auggie’s face is red. He nods stiffly. “Whatever you say. I’m your lowly minion, Queen Anaconda.”

“Since we’re not going to be having actual intercourse during any of our shows, we need to hold something back, so we have somewhere to go, later on. We can’t do too much, too soon.”

Auggie shifts his position slightly on the couch, but he doesn’t move his hands from his crotch area. “Sounds good. I’m at your service for whatever you decide to do. You’ve clearly got a knack for this.”

“Thanks. I’m having a blast.”
