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“It’s the best in Baltimore,” I say with a big grin. I do love this building.

“I like how they let you use all the facilities. I don’t know too many buildings that would let their maintenance team indulge like this. You must have a good boss,” she says, and my stomach feels like lead. I should tell her. This is the perfect opportunity to come clean. Tell her who I am and that this building and swimming pool are actually mine.

“Yeah, well, full disclosure…” I start before she interrupts me.

“Ouch. Ouch. Owww,” she squeals, contorting in the water.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, panic rising as I see her face scrunch up in pain as her head bobs dangerously close to the water line.

“Cramp. In. My. Foot,” she pants out, holding her breath.

“Here.” Wrapping my arm around her waist, I lift her a little, swimming us both to shallow waters. Secretly loving having her in my arms again.

“Oww, oww, oww,” she continues, and I smile, knowing a cramp in itself isn’t dangerous, and she looks cute with her scrunched-up face.

“Here, sit.” I find the pool step and place her down. “Give me your foot.” I need to stretch it out. That is the only relief for foot cramps.

“I’ve got it.” She tries to maneuver to grab her foot, independent and stubborn even now, but the steps on the pool are not overly wide so she slips off and goes straight under.

“Shit,” I murmur, grabbing her by the waist again and hauling her back up as she coughs and splutters.

“Give me your foot, Katie,” I almost demand as I run my hands down her legs a little to reach her foot. The action is intimate, and I think we both stop breathing as her eyes connect with mine. I grit my teeth as I reach her foot, and her eyes wince again as I pull her toes back. Her hands rush and grip on to my shoulders so she doesn’t go back under the water, digging into my muscles. Her touch is electric, and I watch her beautiful face pinch before I see the instant relief and we both take a breath.

“We need to stop meeting like this,” I murmur, my smirk on full display. I can see her breathing hitch as her breasts move up and down, creating little waves around us.

“In the building?” she whispers.

“No. Us being half-naked. If it happens again, I am not sure I can be a gentleman about it,” I grit out, barely being a gentleman now as it is.

“Maybe I don’t want you to be a gentleman…” The words fall from her lips like dripping syrup. A heavy, sticky, delicious fucking syrup that nearly has me sucking her lips then trailing mine down her amazing body then and there. “I’ve missed you this week,” she adds quietly, looking up at me through her lashes, and my heart starts pumping blood around my body at a rapid pace. She looks a little vulnerable, her breathing shallow. I watch her swallow, following the movement of her slender neck, itching to put my mouth on her.

“Good, because I have missed you too,” I say before my lips crash into hers. I am needy, fucking famished for this woman as my hands circle around her small waist and I pull her to me. Her mouth opens, our tongues colliding as her hands run up my shoulders and wrap around my neck.Fuck, she feels good in my arms.

Her fingers thread into my hair at the nape of my neck, pulling my head closer, telling me she wants me as badly as I want her. My hands move then, running up and down her back, touching as much of her as I can before cupping her ass and squeezing her in my palms. She has a fantastic ass. Her legs part then, and she wraps them around my waist. I stand in the water, our bodies submerged with her hooked on to me. I groan in her mouth at the feeling of her center now touching mine. There is no hiding how I feel. I am fucking hard and ready.

“Eddie.” I nearly come on the spot at her moaning my name. The way she says it, in almost a whimper, God, what I would give to have this woman say my name like that over and over. My mouth peppers her jaw with kisses, sucking and licking her skin, and I don't miss the way her hips grind on me. Fuck, this feels amazing.

“Pinkie, unless you want me to fuck you right here in this pool, we better stop. You are so fucking beautiful and feel so good in my arms that this is driving me insane,” I growl as I pull back and look at her, acutely aware that the cameras in here are seen by not only Brian but my entire security team. They are all bound by confidentiality, but the last thing I need is for a sex tape to go viral. That’s about all that keeps me reined in.

She laughs then. Her head falls back and laughter echoes around the pool, and I look at her, mesmerized. A sly grin forms on my lips. If we were anywhere else, I wouldn’t hesitate.

“Let me guess, you would have to clean the pool too, right?” she says, her blues sparkling, and my stomach drops. I should tell her. Right here, right now. No lies between us. Because if this is going how I plan it to go, she is going to be a screaming, moaning, naked mess underneath me very soon.

“I might outsource that job,” I lie quickly behind the wide smile I give her, the truth now combating with my hard cock. The latter currently wins the silent argument. My grin remains as I start to move. I keep her wrapped around me and step up the pool stairs and out of the water.

“Where are we going?” she asks, hanging on to me, in no hurry to get down. Her fingers are still playing with my hair at the back of my neck, and I swear I feel the light touch all the way in my toes. I was going to get a haircut this week, but now you couldn’t pay me to make the appointment.

“Your place,” I say with full confidence. This is happening. I walk us to where our things are as her lips find mine again.

“Fuck, you are beautiful,” I growl into her mouth, and she lifts her body a few inches, almost climbing me more. I have no idea how I have the self-control not to lay her down on this bench and fuck her right here, but I do. I keep one hand wrapped around her ass, because I can’t stop touching it as the other comes to cup her face. Pulling back, I touch my forehead to hers. Her panting chest makes it evident that she is just as needy as me. “There are cameras everywhere, Pinkie, and I sure as hell don’t want anyone watching when I strip this bathing suit from your fucking fantastic body. I don’t share. I want you all to myself. No one else gets to see you but me.” I must say something right, because she bites her bottom lip and Miss Sassy comes back.

“But I haven’t even done my laps!” she mocks, looking at the pool, and I place her on her feet, our torsos touching. Putting my hand to her chin, I lift her face to meet mine.

“There is plenty of exercise in your future. I will get your heart rate up, don’t worry,” I say in a deep voice laced with innuendo and give her a wink.

“Well, I think it might be true what they say…” she whispers, her eyes still hooked on mine as she bends down and grabs her things.

“What’s that?” I ask as I wrap my towel around my waist, hiding my growing obsession with her, and throw on a t-shirt.
