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Tenley had never seen anyone shed clothes as fast as Knox.

In no more than 3.8 seconds, not only was he gloriously naked, but he’d rid her of her clothes, too. He didn’t bother appreciating her expensive lingerie, and she couldn’t bring herself to care. Those overpriced scraps of lace were standing between her and Knox, and for that alone, they deserved to be tossed to the floor and forgotten.

But given the fevered, feral look in his eyes as he stood at the foot of the bed and stared down at her naked body sprawled before him like the most willing sacrifice ever, she assumed nothing else would be happening quickly. He was going to take his time, probably until she was a begging, quivering, puddle of lust at his feet.

She appreciated how up (literally) to the task of fucking her into oblivion he was. Really, she did. But all this fanfare was totally unnecessary. She was ready. Hell, she’d been ready since day one.

And judging by the incredibly impressive erection he was sporting (and…wow…it was truly something to behold), she imagined he was equally ready to get this show on the road.

Saying all that, though, was more than she could manage in her current state of breathless anticipation. So, instead, she reached for him and whispered, “Don’t make me wait.”

The look in his stormy blue eyes was almost predatory. He looked like he wanted to eat her alive.

And, ah, God. She really wanted to let him.

He dragged the tip of his tongue over his bottom lip and the entire lower half of her body clenched in response. “Baby, it’s been five years for me, and I’ve never seen anything as beautiful as you are right now. If I last three seconds once I get inside you, it’ll be a miracle. Which means I need to make you come at least three times before that happens.”

“Three?” she choked out.

“At least.”


As phenomenal as all that sounded, she had every intention of arguing with him. But she didn’t get the chance.

Tenley couldn’t hold in a surprised squeal as he flopped down on the mattress, grabbed her, and yanked her over him so that she was straddling his face. “Ah!” This was dangerous. As wet as she was, he could drown down there. “I don’t think I should—”

He gripped her hips tighter when she tried to move off him. “You definitely should.” Reaching up, he teased her nipples—which were so hard they could cut glass—with a gentle but firm touch she felt all over her body.

All. Over. Her. Body.

“Christ,” he groaned, looking up at her. “This view’s gonna kill me.”

Agreed, she thought as she stared down at his perfect, fuckable lips closing around her clit. This view was nothing short of life altering.

She was going to be different after this. There was no way to come out of this kind of pleasure unchanged. She knew that to be true as he flicked his tongue over her clit again and again with the perfect amount of pressure.

After everything she’d done in her life, every dangerous situation she’d survived, this was going to be a defining moment. Leg-trembling, soul-shattering, throbbing, melting, muscle-clenching orgasms were going to ruin her life as she knew it, and she was going to let it happen. Hell, she was going to beg for it.

But it was too good, too intense, too…intimate. Changing positions would help. He held her firm when she shifted to move off him, though. “No,” he said in a dark, guttural growl. “You’re not going anywhere. Hands on the headboard.”

She resisted because, well, following orders had never been her jam. But she changed her mind real quick when he snapped, “Now!”

Tenley grabbed that headboard like her life depended on it. And it might. Especially when he made a growly, self-satisfied sound in the back of his throat and said, “That’s my good girl.”

Holy. Shit.

Who knew she had a praise kink? Certainly not her. Not until this very second. But the list of things she was now willing to do to earn his praise was long and super sketchy.

So she kept her hands clenched around that headboard while he tormented her clit with his tongue. Held onto it when he slid not one, but two thick fingers inside her to expertly stroke her G-spot. Held onto it while animalistic sounds and prayers and curses fell from her lips of their own volition. And kept holding on to it until her toes curled, her muscles locked up, and her back arched as she came harder than she’d ever come in her life with his name on her lips.

He didn’t stop, though. “Again,” he snarled, his fingers and tongue working harder, faster, until her eyes rolled back in her head.

“I can’t!”

“You will.”

That’s when he caught her already overstimulated clit between his teeth and gave it a sharp nip. The mix of pleasure and pain had her coming again, even harder than the first time.
