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I grabbed my bike keys from a hook on the wall. “That can be arranged, you wicked witch. Do as you’re told.”

When I returned home late that night, Rosa and Anita were snuggled together on the dog beds. Even though her misery was my pleasure, I secretly admired how peaceful she looked with the teenager in her arms. That’s why I blocked Piercer at my bedroom door when he came to collect Anita.

“What are you doing?” he asked, his nostrils flared in annoyance when I wouldn’t let him pass.

“Anita stays with Rosa tonight.”

“Fuck you, bro. That’s my Old Lady—”

Grabbing his cut, I drove him backward and into the living room. Up against a wall, I shook him. “You won’t stand up to Mom, so she ain’t your old lady. Therefore, she’s technically my property since she’s a club whore, and I’m the goddamn president. Understand?”

He was pissed. “Yeah. Got it.” Then he pushed me off him before walking up the stairs, slamming his bedroom door shut.

Disappointed, I shook my head as I went back to the master bedroom. No one would ever get between me and Rosa. What a fucking puss…

From the floor, Rosa was staring up at me.

My heart melted when she smiled, mouthing, “Thank you.”

I shrugged, but unloading my pockets and holster with my back to her, I smiled too. You’re welcome, baby.

I fell asleep in my bed, and I don’t know when I left it to sleep with Rosa on the ground, but that’s where I ended up. She was spooning Anita, and I was spooning Rosa until her cries woke me. I squeezed her shoulder. “Hey, you okay?”

She jolted from the nightmare. “Onus?”

I rewrapped my arm around her and Anita. “Right here, babe. Why were you crying, Little Hellion?”

Rosa continued crying but quieted her sobs after peering down at Anita who was still asleep. “He will be a hellion, too, Onus.”


“Our son.”

I got so excited, you’d have thought I hadn’t already had sons. But to share a boy with Rosa felt like a dream come true for this crooked biker. “You crazy deity, did you just dream of our son—”

Interrupting me, Anita sat up. “Nino?” She was breathing hard and holding her chest with one hand while searching the dark with her other.

Concerned, Rosa sat up, too. “Anita, you all right?”

The two had spoken Spanish more and more as time passed. Anita had been so young when Dad first got her that she was behind. Rosa, the one who ‘chose’ the language, was the one to educate Anita further.

Blinking awake in confusion, Anita asked, “Qué?”

Rosa put an arm around her shoulders. “You were searching for something.”

Anita peered around in the dark. “Where is Piercer?”

Anita jumped when hearing me say, “In his room.”

Exhaling loudly, she got up from the dog beds that were more like a sheik’s bed of pillows. “I must go to him so he can sleep well and not be a tyrant tomorrow.”

Watching her leave the room and shut the door, I lay on my back and asked, “Are we that bad?”

Sighing, Rosa laid back down. “You made me sit in the front row as you married another woman.”

“Fuck… I did, didn’t I.” It wasn’t a question. More like an admission of being an asshole.

She rolled to me, resting her delicate hand on my thigh. “You can be mean to me all you want, but please be kind to him.”
