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“Please! No!” Rya screamed even louder.

Oh my god! Even though it was only me, no backup, I ran faster to where her voice was coming from. If she was going down, I was going down with her.

Once past an open field and fenced arena, I saw two dually trucks I was very familiar with. Attached were two big horse trailers.

Rya’s brothers were here.

What the fuck is happening? “Rya!” I leaped over some barrels of hay then sprinted through the massive twenty stall barn, only to skid to a stop.

Rya was hysterical, in her pajama dress, her hands pushing against the chest of a brown horse being led away by one of her brothers. “Please! Don’t take them!”

Three other brothers were in stalls, putting bridles on other horses. None of them were talking to the little sister they practically carried through the funeral. In disbelief, I tucked the gun in the back of my jeans. “What’s going on?”

Wet faced and horrified, Rya spun to see me. “Thunder! Stop them!” She put her back to the horse that was trying not to step on her as it was being led to the doorway I was standing in.

Pulling Rya from in front of the twelve-hundred-pound animal, I demanded a response. “Jake?”

I thought we had bonded during such a sad time in their lives. In their home, we’d shared tears and meals, trying to cope through the loss. But no bond beyond brothers from MCs gave me permission to speak about certain events that transpired one deadly night two weeks ago to the day.

Either way, they somehow knew I hadn’t been completely truthful.

Jake stopped walking, right next to me, then asked, “Where’s my father?” His brown eyes glared from under his cowboy hat, daring me to lie to him.


Rya cried her lie, “We don’t know! We don’t know—”

“Stop lying!” he shouted.

Tiny fists grabbed full grips of her blonde hair, then she screamed to the ground, bent over as if being stabbed.

Resting my hand on her back, trying to breathe through her excruciating pain, which was wounding me as well, I gently grabbed his bicep. I hoped he could see all the apologies I was crying inside. “My friend, he hurt her.”

His jaw locked as he growled, “You’re a liar, too.” He jerked his hand from my grip, and I let him. I was too stunned to hold on.

This young man’s job was to protect his sister, right?

Now she crumbled to her knees, screaming into the dirt.

I watched her, shocked as I realized her brothers had told her something horrible and unforgivable. My mouth struggled to form the words. “You don’t believe her.”

Her precious hands slammed to the ground, dust floating into the air like silent pleas following the brother who was leaving her like a pile of trash.

The emotions flowing from her to me were so powerful. I was somewhat paralyzed, feeling her loss growing. Her boyfriend killed her dad. Her dad had her brother killed. And now she was losing her other four brothers, of their choosing.

Flabbergasted, I stared at the next eldest as he approached, also leading a horse out of the barn. “Grant, tell me you know the truth—”

“My dad should be back by now. He ran because of a broken heart over Bert?” He spit chew to the ground. “There’s a Will. Did you know that?”

Growing up, we never talked about such things, so I knew nothing about them.

I shook my head. “Grant, maybe he will still come back—”

“You low-life-biker-piece-of-shit. Think I’m that stupid? Think I don’t know you came after her for all this?”

I blinked and blinked, so confused about his meaning. “What are you talking about?”

His tongue pushed around leftover chew while he stared hatred at me. “Everything but the horses was left to this lying whore—”

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