Page 112 of Titus

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Demos was reminded of that other note, the one supposedly written by Fadon, possibly written by Lysander. He remembered the handwriting. This one didn’t match. It had to be the prince who’d written this.

“I want that scroll. Now,” the queen demanded, marching away and undressing without any qualms of indecency at all.

“The docks,” Fadon said to no one in particular. “They plan on voyaging by sea, then that’s where they’d be. I’ll alert the stables to ready the horses. We may still have time to stop them, especially if this was a last-minute plan.”

Demos couldn’t tell them how he knew the party hadn’t been traveling down the road of the mountain. Instead, he asked, “Is there another way off the mountain to reach the docks?”

“They’d take the river Glacius by boat. Leads straight down to the North Sea’s delta.” He turned to his sister, who was hurriedly stepping into a red gown, her naked breasts exposed. “What about the Owl?”

“I’ll take care of it,” she answered. “Zion will alter the Agreement, you’ll find our stupid brother, and bring Sierra back.”

The mention of ‘brother’ reminded Demos of his own. A niggling thought hammered at his mind. Cornelius. Phobius was the man’s pet. His brother had something to do with this.

“Fadon,” Demos said, death in his voice. “Your guards mentioned Lucius and his men. If they are traveling with the prince and princess—”

“Gods of Titus,” the alpha queen said, fully dressed now, her expression one of fear. “We have an unclaimed omega in the company of a true alpha…”

Fadon rubbed the back of his skull, clearly frustrated. “She’s with Ander, Mari. Ander’s many things but I don’t think he’d—”

“Ander’s not attracted to Sierra, Fadon!” the queen spat out. “He’s not attracted to any female!”

Demos felt as if he’d been punched in the gut as the pieces started fitting together.

“Of course he is,” Fadon said with a harsh laugh. “He’s too attracted to females. That’s always been his problem and still is!”

His sister shook her head and smiled sadly. “It was a ruse, Brother. To divert the truth that he’s in love with another who happens to be male. It’s true.”

“What? Who?”

“Cornelius,” Demos said.

The queen gasped. “Yes. How do you know?”

“How long have you known about this, Mari?” Fadon asked his sister, looking defeated.

“And there’s no doubt at all that this is truth?” Demos asked. He felt like he was at the edge of an abyss and would fall into it any moment.

The young queen looked lost. “The night before you left for Syrus Crossing, Fadon. And no, Servant, there’s no doubt. I know this as truth because Lysander told me himself. That was why he didn’t go with you and Arik, Fadon.” She rubbed her forehead.

“I’m sorry,” she said, her hands reaching out to her brother, who took them in his, looking crestfallen. “I thought maybe it could work. That he’d say his final goodbyes to Cornelius and would move on! That maybe… I don’t know. But we have no time for this! Later we can discuss it. If the four of them are together, it means Ander has chosen, leaving Sierra unprotected and unclaimed. I would bet the Mor that Lucius knows. She is in danger, Fadon. We must find her and bring her back.”

Fadon whirled with a curse and picked up a side table, pitching it in the air. Glass shattered and wine splashed onto the floor. “So Lucius knows? Is this the reason that bastard came to the Mor? To what, take Ander’s betrothed because…” Fadon released a growl. “If that bastard has planned this, I will kill him along with Lysander!”

As if a thought suddenly occurred to her, the Queen Alpha straightened and turned her black-as-night eyes on Demos. “If you spill one word about my brother’s proclivities to anyone, your death will be slow and painful. There will be no place you could hide where I won’t find you, Servant. Do you understand me?”

Demos needed to leave. Now. He had no time for this.

“Mari Trajan, nothing that was said tonight about Lysander will leave my lips. I swear to it. Now, if you’ll excuse me…” The rest of his words were drowned out as Fadon released a howl, lost to Alpha rage.

Demos headed to the door as Fadon’s roar became a cacophony that shook the floor and walls.

Running down the stairs, Demos hurried to the main hall and exited through the heavy doors, reaching the outside. He looked around to make sure no one would see him and shifted, taking flight.

He soared into the night, his vision crisp even through the falling snow which had thickened since he’d been outside last. He followed the Glacius River, south, where it met a delta on the western side of Great Mountain. There was no sign of anything on the river. His wings beat furiously as flew south-west. The docks were easy to spot. A magnificent display of orange flames danced in the air, defying the snow that met to extinguish it.

At risk of getting burned, he got as close to the flames as he could, blinded by the brightness. He could make nothing out, but he knew that any vessels House Trajan possessed were now completely destroyed, and any hope of following the party was lost. Another means would have to be found.
