Page 51 of Titus

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When I looked at her, her eyes were on Demos and his horse. She turned that green-eyed gaze to me. Her face softened, making her look younger than I had thought when I’d first met her.

“Sex can do that. It holds more power than most things in nature,” she said gently. “Not only can it lead to creation, but it also has the power of blending two souls, binding them. It changes a person, but especially a woman, who is by nature capable of multiplying her energy. She plays many roles in her life’s journey. Daughter, friend, lover, wife, mother, all from the heart, all tied up together.”

At the word “mother,” I stilled. Gods. How could I have been so dense? I knew logically that Demos and I had been intimate, that the gap in time I barely had any memory of had been filled with sex. Lots of it. And that first night, here in the cabin…

But for some stupid reason, none of it seemed real, like it was a fantasy, a fever dream, and now, having woken up, the realization meant everything.

Red-hot heat filled my cheeks, and a trace of familiar desire pulsed its way up from my core. Kisses, his taste, his seed. Naked bodies crashing, grinding. Glistening skin against skin. Unbelievable pleasure and fullness. It was only now that I realized what the act actually was. Sex. Which in turn, produced a child.

She pulled up the chair across from me and reached out with her hand, taking mine. Her touch was cool and firm, soft yet strong. Tears filled my eyes and my throat felt closed up. I couldn’t breathe.

“Deep breaths, now.” She squeezed my hand.

Closing my eyes, I willed myself to breathe. Gods, could I be with child? And what about my betrothed? What have I done?

“Come on, breathe with me, child. They are just emotions. Let them pass through and breathe them out.”

Shame, lust, guilt, panic, pain. In and out, flowing and moving. Easy breaths.

“That’s a good girl,” she said after a few moments. “There. I think it’s time for explanations, dear.”

I opened my eyes and met her green ones.

“First, the odds of you carrying a child are extremely slim.”

Confused by how she knew what I was thinking, I asked, “How do you—”

She laughed. “Not only does every thought cross your face, but… well, let’s just say I have a talent. Let’s get back on track. None of that matters.” She released my hand and leaned back. “These past few weeks, if not more, your body has been changing, preparing you for what has been in your blood since you were born, and only now is it ready to emerge. In fact, I’m certain it has finished its transformation.”

I stared at her stupidly. “What transformation? I wasn’t… sick this whole time?”

“Not sick, no. My child, you are Omega. That’s why you were chosen for the Fealty Bride.”

The Fealty Bride? What on Titus did that have anything to do with this? “You know about that? Who are you?”

Her eyes flashed in mirth. “All in good time. What’s important here is that you understand what you are.”

“Omega. That’s what you said, right? But what does that mean? And how can I be anyone other than what I am?”

“You can’t. And I must say, that is the point of this conversation. You are one of the rarest of any creature on Titus. Although, there are a few like you still among the living, but far too old.”

“Creature?” Panic and anger fought within me.

“Not what you think, you are still human. Whether human, cat, bird; all are creatures. Simply put, you are a special type of human. You are the counterpart to Alpha. When you came in contact with your counterpart, it triggered your nature to reveal itself, and reveal itself it did. It almost killed you.”

“What are you talking about?” None of this made sense. Was she sane?

“The Ongahri. Their Alpha blood awakened your Omega.”

I blinked in confusion. “I’m Ongahri?”

“The Ongahri are a lineage, a culture. The Alpha has always been in their blood. It is not usual for an Ongahri to mate outside their tribe. Somewhere in your ancestry was an Ongahri pairing. One of the main reasons for the Fealty is to find Omega, although that fact has been forgotten, politics on both sides having erased that too long ago.” She paused, sighing. “I know how confusing all this is. It will make sense later, I promise.”

“So, I was never sick? But…” The sunken cheekbones, the fevers, the weakness. The lust.

“Your body was doing what it was made to do. There was nothing wrong with you, child. You are Omega.”

“Omega,” I repeated stupidly.
