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Wlodek also waited for Lissa's return—the Head of the Vampire Council was eager to make an official announcement to the Council that Lissa would be joining them (although they already knew; they'd seen the evidence for themselves). Lissa would sit with Wlodek at Council meetings as a Queen, and not just any Queen—the strongest and most talented that any of them had ever seen.

Instead of Griffin, however, Kiarra had contacted Merrill, asking for a meeting in the afternoon. It was three days after Griffin snatched Lissa away, claiming he needed her help. Merrill sighed—he and Wlodek had both attempted to stop Griffin. Who knew where he'd taken Lissa and why? Wlodek worried that she'd be offered a place with the Saa Thalarr, just as they'd offered with Adam Chessman. Chessman had accepted the invitation without a backward glance. The vampires needed Lissa on Earth—the Saa Thalarr could find someone else, Wlodek insisted. A knock came on Merrill's study door, interrupting his thoughts.

"What is it, Franklin?" Merrill had to tread carefully with his human child; Franklin lost his mate three weeks earlier and had wandered about the house listlessly since. Merrill had some making up to do with Lissa when she returned; he and Wlodek had made the decision not to give her news of Greg's death. Wlodek wanted her to remain focused on Xenides and the rest of his and Saxom's turns instead of grieving for a lost friend. Anthony was also fragile; Gavin had taken over Tony's teaching as his surrogate sire after the death of his cousin René. René's loss was a grievous one. He'd gone on many special assignments for Wlodek over the years and Wlodek certainly felt his absence.

"Kiarra, Adam and Dragon are here, father." Franklin opened the door to Merrill's study quietly, making sure Merrill was prepared to receive guests.

"Please, bring them in." Merrill was happy to see Kiarra anytime. Kiarra was ushered inside Merrill's study, followed by Adam Chessman and the former Falchani warrior, Dragon. Merrill had seen Dragon once before, prior to Saxom's death in Corpus Christi four years earlier. Merrill's eyebrows lifted when Kiarra walked in; there was something different about her—she seemed sad and troubled.

"You're right," Kiarra sighed heavily. "I am from the future, Merrill. Three hundred years in the future." There were tears in her eyes. Merrill quickly pulled a silk handkerchief from a desk drawer and handed it to her. Kiarra accepted it gratefully.

"Griffin was unable to come," Adam stated bluntly. Merrill went still.

"Is he all right?" Griffin and Merrill had been as close as brothers for more than fifteen hundred years. There shouldn't be any reason for Griffin not to come. Merrill held his breath.

"Griffin is well—physically," Dragon replied. He'd allowed Adam and Kiarra to sit in the two chairs before Merrill's desk. He remained standing, his expression shuttered and his dark eyes enigmatic.

Merrill didn't show his concern, but it was mounting. "What do you mean, physically?"

"What we mean is that Griffin is an emotional wreck," Adam said, his gray eyes revealing nothing. He could wear the vampire mask if he wanted; he'd been vampire before being chosen by the Saa Thalarr, after all.

"Tell me," Merrill whispered.

* * *

Wlodek's fingers shook slightly as he toyed with his favorite gold pen. He and Merrill had held a private meeting; Adam Chessman, the former Chief of Enforcers stayed to verify the information. Dragon transported Kiarra away; she'd been visibly upset and unable to stay. Merrill was completely numb over the news brought to him, and now he and Wlodek waited to pass that news to Gavin and Anthony. Charles and Radomir were also brought in—this news would be a terrible blow to Charles, and Merrill waited to place compulsion on Gavin and Tony. Wlodek feared it would be required should they become violent.

"You asked to see us, Honored One?" Gavin walked inside Wlodek's temporary office, followed by Tony. He'd taken Tony as his child and was training him as best he could. Gavin waited for Lissa's return, however, to teach some of their lessons simultaneously.

"Please, sit," Wlodek pointed to the chairs before his desk. He was still working out of Merrill's basement, but would return to his manor soon. Lissa had managed to eliminate Xenides and the remaining threat that he'd presented, so it was safe to return home. But that was before. Wlodek heaved a shaky sigh, making Gavin's head jerk up in alarm. Tony heard it as well and turned to his surrogate sire, fear crossing his features.

"Child, we will wait for the news," Gavin's mask dropped into place. Wlodek knew Gavin was afraid; he merely refused to show it. It was only going to get worse.

"I do not have good news," Wlodek announced. "You know what Griffin is. He took Lissa into the future with him; her help was needed three hundred years from now on a very distant world," Wlodek looked at his gold pen and not at the others in the room. "He knew, as did Kifirin, that something terrible would happen. We fear, too, that he also knew the price to be paid in order to make things come out right in the end." Wlodek found it difficult to understand Griffin's actions. How had Griffin made this sacrifice? Had he ever truly loved her? It was beyond Wlodek's comprehension.

"You have never seen the Ra'Ak," Wlodek went on, glancing at Gavin and Tony. "I have only heard them described. They are terrible monsters resembling giant serpents, and carry the deadliest of poisons. Adam Chessman informed me that more than four thousand of these attacked a world simultaneously, along with other creatures that held a might of their own. Griffin knew there was only one who might hold them at bay and keep that world from falling. Adam tells me that had that particular world fallen, all the other worlds would fall like dominoes stacked in a line." Wlodek wanted to shake his head in disbelief; he still could not bring himself to accept the news. And this was the greatest blow to the vampire race—they'd gained a Queen, only to lose her again.

"Lissa killed more than thirty-five hundred of the giant serpents by misting inside their heads and blowing them apart," Wlodek continued. "She also destroyed many of the other creatures in the same fashion. The final monster she killed required the last of her strength. When she blew her mist outward that time, she no longer held the power to call her mist together again. She, along with her enemy, is now scattered across the universe. Lissa is gone and will not return to us."

Charles wept as he dropped to the floor against the far wall. Tony blinked at Wlodek in shock. He couldn't be hearing the Head of the Council properly. This information could not be truth. Gavin, however, rose shakily from his seat and began keening wildly, his grief evident in the high-pitched wail that came from his throat. Radomir joined with Gavin, his own keening forcing Wlodek to wipe tears away. Merrill strode silently from the room. Compulsion wasn't needed and he had grieving to do in private.
