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“How do you know that?”

She cringed, then shot a smirk back. It was sexy, even in the strange light.

“What can I say? I guess I’m a good snooper. I looked through your computer. Er, your data pad. I assumed you were still logged in on your profile.”


She chuckled quietly, shaking her head.

“Never mind. We should go there and try to find something that’s contradictory. I’m sure the King knows this is not your doing.”

“What is this ‘we’ you speak of?”

Sarah tilted her head. He knew there was no stopping her. She was formidable, and that was one of the many qualities that made him fall for her.

Though he had been stunned and appreciative of her forward nature and determination from their very first meeting, he had to admit now that it was the very quality he needed.

Petal had been a wonderful mother and a great mate, but a burden like this would have destroyed her. She simply didn’t have the fortitude that Sarah did. The thought began to open his eyes that perhaps there were two people destined for him, both molded specifically for different periods in his life.

“Fine,” he said, flicking off the diffuser. “But you need a weapon with you. Do you know how to shoot?”

Drakonians were not fans of weapons in general, but they still required them when war approached. He had his own armory should his property be seized but shied away from their use. But when it came to protecting Sarah, he could cast all that caution out the window.

He showed her briefly how to fire the weapon, which looked a lot like the human version of a shotgun. What came out, though, was far more damaging than a bullet … it was a fiery, pale, mint green orb that was capable of utterly obliterating the enemy.

“Like a laser then?” Sarah asked on the drive out.

He had a vague idea of what she was talking about, but it didn’t matter. They arrived at the security base where all evidence was stored behind Drakonian iron, but all that meant nothing as he held the key.

He scanned his tracings, which were as personal as DNA or a fingerprint. When they entered, there were only two men on guard, and he easily quieted them with a chop to the back of the neck that rendered them unconscious.

Sarah was dazzling, wearing an entirely black outfit with her hair tied into a secure bun. It was hidden beneath a pullover hat but spilled out over her forehead.

“They’ll be fine,” he whispered. “Let’s get to the storage room. Keep your weapon handy.”

Kael, more than anything, wanted to keep from having to use the guns at their sides. If they could retrieve the evidence, get back to the estate, and present it to the King, then all would be sweet.

But his intuition warned him otherwise.

All evidence on the planet was digital, but all Kael had to do was sign in with his tracings and retrieve it with his communicator. Sarah stood ready, her weapon resting against her thigh.

“Just watch the door for me,” he said.

She nodded. She looked wan but put a brave face on.

Kael would have preferred if she hadn’t come at all, but he knew he couldn’t have stopped her. Maybe tying her to the bed, but even then, it would have been distracting rather than helpful.

“Be quick,” she whispered.

Kael did what he could, having been rusty on his coding. He managed to obtain some information on Fisher Cardinal, the young man who had died, and pointed the finger in his direction and found something he hadn’t bargained for.

“Fuck,” he muttered.

A clunky sound came at the front door. Kael shot his eyes up to look at the security video, spotting the door rising and a rush of mercenaries spilling inside.

“Fucking shit,” Sarah muttered back.

Kael frantically transferred the information that would clear him onto his communicator. Sarah began to pace, the flood of footsteps pouring in their direction.
