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I must be imagining it. It almost sounds like... her.

It’s gross, is what it is, I think.

Ree-mee’s eyes jump to mine. Her brow furrows and she tilts her head.Lo’zar?

It’s surely her voice. I know how it sounds by now, because every time she’s used it, I’ve committed it to memory.

Ree-mee?I think.Is that you?

Her eyes widen.I can hear you.

In our hands, the worm has stopped wriggling. We both look down and find its little purple body has shriveled, and the bright glow inside is fading. In my surprise I let my fingers fall open, and the worm drops to the ground.

Oh no!Ree-mee reaches for it.Shit. Is it dying?

It’s her. It’s definitely her. And I can understand what she’s saying.

But I think the worm is already dead. I squint, guiding my thoughts to the words I want to say.It’s gone, Ree-mee, I tell her as she stoops down to pick it up. The glow winks out, and all that’s left is a shrunken body.

She drops it to the floor again in disgust, but then stares up at me, and her eyes are huge with wonder.That really is you.Her voice is awed.And you can understand what I’m saying. Right?

It must be true, because she’s coming across in my mind as clear as a starry sky.

Yes, I think, making sure to form the words clearly in my mind.I can hear you, Ree-mee.

She giggles.It’s Rimi.

Rimi?I’ve had it wrong this whole time. She giggles again and nods.

That’s it. Lo’zar.

I smile at the sound of her voice. I like it. I like it immensely.

But how is this possible?she asks.We don’t speak the same language.

I glance down at the worms, who have retreated a little from us, casting a dark shadow.

I don’t know,I say.I think... I think this place might be sacred.I remember the markings in the other rooms. I look up at the carvings on the walls of a trollkin and a human, each staring intently at the other.

Sacred? Like, religious?She follows my gaze around the great hall.

Maybe. I don’t know. These are ancient troll ruins.I don’t know much about them, to be honest. I’m distracted by the fact I’m actually hearing Rimi talk to me. I want to wrap myself up in her soft words, and then maybe wrap her up in my arms, too.

Ruins, she says, in the way that anyone can speak into someone else’s mind.Filled with... Glowing worms.

I chuckle at this. It really is the most bizarre thing we could have found here, in the base of this ancient pyramid. If I weren’t looking at it, I probably wouldn’t believe it myself.

Worms that somehow are letting us talk to each other, I add. She smiles brightly.

I always wish I could understand what you’re saying.A funny look comes over her face.You talk a lot.

I guffaw, and the sound surprises her. Then her smile widens.Yeah,I say.Got a lot of shit for that as a whelp.

You just have a lot of thoughts, she says.But from what I can tell... they’re nice thoughts.

It’s such a strange compliment, but it feels good coming from her.

Thank you. I like yours, too.

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