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Icheck a few times a day that we’re still going alongside the road, but for the most part, we stay deep in the jungle, hoping to avoid Gusak’s riders. Rimi’s stomach grumbles constantly. Just one big meal at dinnertime isn’t enough for her small human body, which seems to need nutrients much more often, but the meat would’ve gone bad if we’d tried to bring it with us. That afternoon, I find some tiny red fruits high up in the trees, and climb up to knock them down for her. Rimi lets out a squeal of delight as they tumble to the ground, only a few landing in her open hands.

We take as many as we can, bundling them up in big leaves and carrying them under both arms.

Though we’re tired and hungry, I’m happy as can be at her side. She counts as she hops over little ferns, and stares up into the trees with wonder when a huge, colorful bird flies overhead. I love the way she hums under her breath, usually some little ditty I don’t recognize. I ask her to teach me a song, because it sounds beautiful, but that might just be because it’s falling from her lips.

It’s a folk song in Yusala,she says. She repeats the tune for me, and I sing it back to her with bravado. She laughs and claps her hands.You have a nice voice, Lo’zar.

Thank you.I lean down and brush over her ear with one tusk.So do you. And I plan to make you sing quite a lot later.

Her whole body shudders at my suggestion, and I’m pleased that I can do this to her. All it takes is a sweep of my hand over her hip and she’s leaning into me, telling me with her body how much she wants me, and it floods my head with a giddiness I haven’t felt since I fucked someone the first time.

We continue to sing the song as we march through the jungle, arms linked together while we carry our fruit along with us. She adds words and I try to repeat them, but I must be mangling it because Rimi laughs uproariously.

What does it mean?I ask. It’s so strange that I can’t understand her tongue, and yet I can hear her voice as clear as if she were speaking my own language.

It’s about the beginning, before Riggamora.She taps her chin thoughtfully.Actually, it’s a love story.

A love story?

About a woman who could wield magic and her forbidden lover.

I quirk an eyebrow. She must be yanking my chain.

The thought seems to occur to Rimi at the same moment, because her eyebrows go high up into her hair. Then she gives me a sly look.Does that make you my forbidden lover?she asks.

I would worship her body, kiss her sweet-tasting lips, and bury my cock in her every day and night if I could—but I know that’s not allowed to me. This has been a fun game between us, but she’s a human, and I know it can’t possibly last.

I suppose I am.

But when we “rest” for the night, I can pretend, just for a while, that we are the people in the song. Like the magic woman and her lover, we can change the world to suit ourselves.

I manage to trap one of those big, loud birds for us to eat, and Rimi covers her eyes as I butcher it in front of her. She is delicate, my girl. Despite everything that’s happened to her, it hasn’t corrupted that kind, earnest innocence she has inside.

Thank you,Rimi says out of the blue as she licks another tiny bird bone clean.

For what?I still enjoy the fact that I can eat and talk at the same time.

For everything.She picks up another bone.You’re feeding me. You saved me. You’ve given up... a lot for me.Her eyes fall at this.I’m sorry. Now you can’t go home because of me, too.

I reach out and take her chin in my hand, urging her to look at me. Those gray eyes are sweet and as mysterious as the moon, and I wonder again who sent her to me.That was a choice I made,I tell her firmly.I did what I did because I wanted to. Because... you’re worth it. More than worth it.

She makes a choked sound, and I gently take the food out of her hands so I can pull her in my arms. Rimi buries her face in my neck, leaving a wet spot there.

I don’t know what I did to deserve you, she says.

I’ve been thinking the same thing. I’m not a good guy. I shouldn’t have been given a gift like you.

Her hands tighten into fists in my shirt, and she pulls away to glare at me.You’re a wonderful guy,she says, her eyebrows pulled together tight.The best one I’ve ever met.

By the certainty in her voice, I can almost believe her. But she doesn’t know me, not really. All she knows is the troll I’ve shown her.

I haven’t told you the kinds of things I’ve done.And I don’t want to. I want Rimi’s picture of me to be the knight in shining armor she imagines me to be.

She puts her hands on each of my tusks, pulling my face in so I have to look her right in the eyes.

It doesn’t matter what you’ve done, she says, leaning her forehead against mine. Her hands turn soft as she strokes one tusk.It matters who you are inside, and I know that troll.
