Page 110 of Hearing her Cries

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Charlotte was watching Zoey. “So you slept with Murdoch Lake? I didn’t know you had it in you. Go, Zo! You’re now my hero.”

Charlotte made bug eyes at both of them.

“I didn’t sleep with him. Murdoch stayed at our old place in Garrity, since he gave up his place a few days ago. That is all.” This was not the place for this conversation. Slater Davis was hanging on their every word. “We will discuss it later. In private. Without strangers listening.”

“You’d better believe we will.” Sydney snickered. “I want all the details. I’ve seen his twin in a tux, Char. A tux. He’s even hotter than Murdoch and Cam. He’s quiet and a little shy and sweet. Think you could set me up, Lake?”

“I’ll give you his number.” Murdoch slung an arm over Sydney’s shoulder very gently—and pulled her out from behind Slater. “You may be too much for him. I’m not sure he can keep up with a hellion like you, though. He’s the nicest of us Lakes.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll be gentle. I like nice guys. So what exactly does he do again? If he’s an actor, the deal is so off.”

“He’s a doctor at Finley Creek Gen, works for your brother-in-law.”

“Perfect. Text me his number and we’ll name our first kid Murdoch Number Two. He is blond, which I think is so hot. I can’t stand dark-haired, dark-eyed guys, lately. Something so man dogdisgustingabout them.”

Slater Davis looked like he was ready to explode.

“Excuse us, what in the hell is going on here?” a male voice so much like Rafe and Caine’s asked from the door.

Slater’s brothers had arrived.

It was family reunion time.

All of Zoey’s anxiety came rushing right back.


Murdoch wasa visible symbol of her reality. These three men were just necessary evils she had to face to ensure that reality was safe for the people she loved.

Zoey stared at the two men who had just entered—after Charlotte had led a suspiciously docile Murdoch out of the room. He was up to something. She was absolutely sure of it. She was going to get him alone and do her own brand of interrogation first chance she had.

She would do this, and then get back to what was really important.

Her family. Her friends. And Murdoch Michael Lake. A man a woman couldcount on.

“I’m sorry about that. Murdoch can be difficult at times.”

Sydney had something to add, of course. “At times? The man was born difficult. I hope his twin is far more controllable. Maybe.”

“Slater? Care to introduce your little friends?” Royal Davis, the middle brother, asked. “And explain what’s going on here?”

It was best to take charge of men like these. She’d been dealing with men like these for years. The Davis brothers had nothing on Rafe, Caine, and Luc either. “Please, sit.”

“We prefer to stand, actually.” Royal again. She summed him up fast. Extremely suspicious, and fast on his feet. Intelligent, highly so. Just like all her siblings. There was something cold about this one. Slater was all contained heat and stormy emotion—passion—this one was the exact opposite. Calculating. “Who are you?”

“My name is Zoey Daviess. We shared the same biological mother. Before she sold the two of you and dumped me off on social services—then turned around and sold Quade a little later. Surprise, Royal, Quade, I’m your sister, Zoey. Won’t you have a seat? There is a lot we need to talk about.”

The two men just stared at her like she’d gone utterly mad.

Royal and Slater looked more like Rafe and Caine. Big, and burly, darker complected, and dangerous looking, whereas there was a hint of humor in the third brother Quade’s eyes. Curiosity. Quade was an adult version of Simon in so many ways. “Please, sit. I can explain, you know. I swear I’m not totally crazy, boys.”

“So why did you suddenly track us down? You need money?” Royal sounded just like a pissed-off Rafe. Her mouth quirked at that. Genetics were strong, no denying that.

“Hardly. I just want to talk. Are you going to sit? I promise I don’t bite. Hard, anyway.” Zoey decided to give them the advantage. She sat. “I am with Blessed Reunions. We confirmed a biological relationship through the DNA lab we own in Texas. I decided an in-person meeting might be more efficient. Charlotte is a good friend of mine—she told me there will be a closed set and you’d be too busy to talk for several weeks. I needed to see you in person. Unfortunately, that length of time was problematic for us. For…privacy reasons. There are familial details I can’t share over the phone and definitely not over the internet. Details you have a right to know. We take privacy extremely seriously at Blessed Reunions. I don’t want anything from you other than some names and background information. Locations. That’s all. Time is of the essence as well.”

“And that woman there?” Royal demanded, eyes narrowed on Sydney’s face. Eyes filled with hostility. “Just who is she?”

Slater answered for her. “This is Sydney. We’ve met before. In January, St. Louis.”
