Page 113 of Hearing her Cries

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“You have been a naughty woman. I want details,” Charlotte said immediately.

“Zoey Daviess and Murdoch Lake.” Sydney leaned against the counter and studied her for a long moment. “Anything you want to share?”

“Things happened. Are happening. I don’t know. I’m not good atmen. I don’t even really know howto do romance. At least not this kind. It’s fast and terrifying and it just feels so damned different from before. I’ve always had other things to focus on besides romantic relationships. I’ve never even had timefor it, really. Not from the moment I had Pen with me for good. My every moment I wasn’t working was about that kid for so long. And now…”

“I think you’d better think fast. There he is. I am so glad his twin is equally as tall, blond, and hot. So beautiful, blond men,” Sydney said.

“A bit too old for you.”

Charlotte had to weigh in. “Some men get better with age, Zo. I suspect those Lake boys will do just that.”

“I don’t care how old the next man I sleep with is—I just want to know one thousand percent that he’s a man I cantrust.No matter what,” Sydney said, pain in her words Zoey understood all too well.

The echo of what she’d just been feeling wasn’t missed either.

She and Sydney were a lot alike, after all.

One day, Zoey just hoped Sydney found a man with the same core of honor Murdoch possessed and could put Slater Man Dog Davis behind her forever. The younger woman deserved that. More than anyone Zoey knew. Zoey hugged Sydney quickly. “You’ll figure it out, kid. It’ll just take time.”

“I think the same could be said for all of us,” Charlotte added as she nabbed the younger woman from the other side.

“No kidding. They lied when they said life gets easier when you’re an adult, I think,” Sydney said. “This wasnotin the user manual for adulthood anywhere.”

No, it wasn’t.

Her thoughts were interrupted when Murdoch practically appeared out of nowhere. He looked right at her. His eyes smoldered. An answering heat started in her stomach. She’d seen that look before. The man had a plan, and he was ready to act.

She was in serious trouble here.


“Zoey.” He almost rumbled when he spoke. He had that stalking panther look in his eyes. Her stomach tightened. This was a man on a mission. She suspected she knew exactly what that mission was. “Finished with your family business, I take it?”

“Yes. We probably won’t be speaking with them again.” Ever. In the future, she’d just send registered letters, if she needed to contact those men ever again. She was hoping she never did.

She’d never forget the hurt Sydney had experienced at Slater Asshole Davis’s hands.

That man was not a brother Zoey would ever want to claim.

“We are going to talk. Upstairs. In room…208.”

Zoey had a strange feeling she was about to be toast here.

Charlotte was looking between the two of them. “Zoey, you need backup here?”

“No. Zoey and I need to have a very, very long talk. Now.”

Murdoch answered for her now, apparently. He tugged her closer. Zoey looked into his eyes and suspected she was in serious, serious trouble. That was all that had her keeping her mouth shut.

The time of reckoning had arrived.

Something was certainly going to happen. Heat rushed through her entire body at the thought. Murdoch hadapparentlywaited long enough. The man wanted what he wanted.

Her insides heated just at the thought.

“Does Zoey want to go have a long talk with you right now?” Sydney asked—obvious laughter in her tone.

“She doesn’t have a choice. If she doesn’t march her gorgeous ass upstairs, I’m going to carry her. Whether she likes it or not.”
