Page 118 of Hearing her Cries

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That was seriously weird. Crispin didn't remember everbeingthere before. Maybe there was someone in Finley Creek, around FCU, that looked like her or something. She was almost constantly getting confused for someone else lately.

People kept asking her where her blue hair was.

That was just crazy.

And they kept calling her Pin.

She didn’t get it at all. Her name wasCrispin.She would never go byPin.Ever.

Her family called herCris.

Maybe she had class with some of these people? That was the only thing that made sense. Or someone really looked like her or something. She checked her reflection quickly, in the tinted window of a van that was parked at one of the campus parking meters as she walked by. She was really tall, extra-skinny, with long dark hair, and really pale skin. Like millions of other people in Texas.

Well, maybe she was skinnier, really. She'd always been super-underweight. For her height.

She was still growing a little, she thought. Even at eighteen. Her mom said Colesons tended to be late bloomers, and Cris might fully hit six feet someday. Crispin didn’t even have any real breasts yet either. Just nubs, her sisters of the heart had teased her before. She was a half-cup size bigger than Hope, though. There was that.

No. She just looked like a million other people around. Nothing special. She definitely didn’t look like she had blue hair.

She was trying to calculate the odds of two people who resembled each other strongly ending up at the same college, based on general population numbers, about a block away from the mathematical sciences building, when someone stepped into her path.

She looked up.

It was a man. He had blond hair. Green eyes. She tried to sidestep and go around him. He shifted, though. Right into her path. "I'm sorry. I didn't see you there."

"Hello, Crispin, I've been waiting for you."

He touched her. Something stabbed her skin. Right there on her shoulder.

She yelped and tried to back away from him.

Why had the guy touched her like that? “What are you doing?”

"I've been paid to make sure you get where you are supposed to go now. More money if I bring you quickly. Come on, be a good girl. Don’t fight it."

Crispin turned to run.

His arm came around her waist. She opened her mouth to scream.

His hand covered her mouth. He was big and strong, and she kicked and fought.

But he carried her to that blue van. And then she was inside. And everything looked...cloudy. Hazy.

Crispin tried to fight it, but her eyes closed.

Tears filled her eyes, but she couldn't open them.

What was happening? Why had he done this?

Her last thought was of her mom and her sisters of the heart, her family. Like it would always be. Crispin loved them so much.


The manhe had hired to ensure Bonita's daughter was taken efficiently had performed his task very well. Gregory paid Ross the fee he had promised the young man who had once dated Gregory's youngest stepdaughter.

"I'll give you an extra two hundred if you carry her downstairs," he told Ross. "I have a room set up for her now. I will have more work for you soon. A day or two, perhaps. Maybe even this afternoon, if you are free."

Gregory had chosen his perfect surrogate. A former foster youth, studying veterinary medicine at FCU right this moment. From what he had found, she had no real connections. Of the sixty-two participants in the FCU intelligence study, she was the only one with no known living relatives. Making her perfect.

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