Page 123 of Hearing her Cries

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He carried her down the hall, and into an unused room. There was a closet right there. He didn’t want Gregory to see her from the door.

Vaughn carefully lowered her to the closet floor. “Shhh. It’s only for a little while.”

There were old ties there. Not exactly what he wanted to do.

But he gagged her, so Gregory would never find her. Vaughn kissed her on the temple. “I’ll come back to take care of you, my precious angel. I’ll come back for you. I promise.”

He forced himself to stand, and close the door.

Closing his precious angel in the darkness.


After Cara couldn’t findCrispin, Bonnie called in reinforcements. Maybe she was overreacting for nothing, but…she’d rather feel like a fool and know her daughter was safe.

Heather and Hope both told her they’d be there within the hour of her calling them. She’d also called Marcia to see if Marcia’s daughters, just a few years younger than Crispin, had heard from Crispin.

She’d called Joy as well. At Joy’s new house her little sister was painting and turning into a home for her kids. Crispin babysat for Joy’s kids. Especially since Joy’s close friend had been killed on Halloween and Joy was still reeling from that—and getting guardianship of her friend’s eight-year-old daughter just a few days ago.

Maybe Crispin was with Joy’s monsters, or off helping Joy, and just hadn’t heard her phone. Or dropped her phone and it broke, or got wet, or just lost it. Things happened to phones.

Maybe Bonnie was overreacting, but…something feltwrong.

Joy and Samia had no idea where Crispin was. Neither did Summer or Eden, though both had agreed to go walk around the college campus to see if they could find her. Cashlyn wasn’t going anywhere—she was watching Joy’s children now. And Eden’s son.

No one had heard from Crispin since nine that morning. Not since breakfast with Cara. Cara had said her sister seemed fine at breakfast, had both her cell phone and her smartwatch, and had been preoccupied with some new theorem or something that only Crispin seemed to understand. She’d even tried to write out an equation with pancake syrup—on the table in a diner called Mamaw’s Place—before Cara had made her stop.

The waitress had just laughed and said they were used to Pin around there. And she missed the blue hair, though.

But Crispin hated being calledPin. Said it sounded pinheaded. And that chunk of blue hair a few years ago had long grown out by now, thank goodness. It had been well before Finley Creek.

It had been a dare from Summer, anyway. Crispin had hated it.

Bonnie told herself she was probably worrying about nothing.

But this seriously wasn’t like Crispin at all.

Something was wrong with her baby.

A mother justknew.


Vaughn had been watchingher for a while.Thisone was sex personified. He was convinced of that. She was one of his favorites to watch. To think about.

Maybe she didn't have the tits and ass the redheaded guardian of hell did, but this Denita’s daughter was one of the hottest women he had ever seen.

It kind of sucked Gregory requested her, though. The woman had had a few really bad breaks over the last few years.

His Crispin Maria was going to look like that someday. The long dark hair, the pale skin that looked like that cream or something. Yeah, he could see it.

He'd get Gregory this woman, then he would find a way to get Crispin Maria away from Gregory. Where Gregory couldn't hurt her or anything. He wanted more for his angel than for her to be used as a stupid broodmare for Gregory's project.

Or worse.

A donator.

He knew Gregory planned to take eggs from whichever woman Vaughn could bring him. Take as many eggs as he could get—then kill the girl so she couldn’t tell what the old man had done to her.
