Page 154 of Hearing her Cries

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Grandfather was going to be so mad.

She'd been bad.Willful. Not perfect.

She'd broken the biggest rule of all.

Never use the phone. Ever. Ever.

She listened.

For Grandfather.

For Mean Vaughn.

She didn't hear them.

She heard a big loud bang, though.

She didn't know what it was, but it wasbad.

She knew it was bad. And it was her fault. She wasflawed.

Oakley shoved her special book in her backpack Nanny had given her to keep her crayons and play dough in and grabbed her only stuffed animal. It went in next.

She was going to get Orion. They were just going to run away. Forever.

Or they'd find Sheriff Lake, and he would save them, too.

Never make them come back here to this scary place.

Then Sheriff Lake would come back. Sheriff Lake would help the red-haired lady and the blue-haired lady and their mommy, too.

And make Grandfather go away forever.

It was going to be ok.

It was going to be ok.

It was going to be ok.

She would make it so.

Or die trying.

Just like she had promised her little brother. Because she loved him. And she wanted it to just be ok.

Oakley opened her bedroom door. Someone stopped her.

Mean Vaughn! Covered with red stuff.

He grabbed her.

Oakley just screamed and screamed. Yelled for Nanny to help her. Nanny always helped her. No matter what.

This time Nanny never came.


Vaughn sawthe kid's big eyes and—hell—it clicked.

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