Page 167 of Hearing her Cries

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She had on house slippers and pajamas. That told him one thing.

This was where she'd lived.

And now she was dead.

What in the hell had happened?

He stood, pulled his cell phone. Dialed dispatch. Told them to hurry their asses up. That he’d found a first victim.

That he couldn’t deal with this entirely on his own.

Only to be told help was on its way.

He just had to hold on until the calvary got there. They were tracking Elliot Marshall, chief of their region, down now as well. And sending as many TSP to him as they could get them.

But it was takingtime.Of course. They were out in the middle of damned nowhere, after all.

Hell. Murdoch didn’t have that kind of time.

There was a booster seat right there at the breakfast table. Child-sized shoes by the back door. Two different sizes. Blue. Pink.

Those kids were around somewhere.

And so was Zoey. Murdoch could just feel it.


The idiots had just lefther there. Like they weren’t worried about Zoey escaping at all. That was probably their first mistake. Their second was not checking that her hands had been more secure.

She’d slipped off the bastard’s exam table, and crept to the door.

She’d helped herself to a pair of small tweezers off his tray of equipment and used them to jimmy the lock to the older, almost antique looking door. Who used hand carved oak doors in a medical facility?

They were obviously moved from somewhere else. The hospital up the hill, maybe? If the bastard was usingthisproperty for macabre experiments, what was going on at the other buildings on the Coleson property? It could have been anything.

Talk about a spine-chilling thought.

That was something they’d have to figure out later. She just hoped right now that whoever he had taken for his schemes was inthisbuilding. Where Zoey could find them.

She was in a basement or on the first floor. There were windows at the end of the hallway. She could see the setting sun where she was now. The windows were high up. Moreso than normal. Below ground made sense.

Which meant…there were stairs around somewhere.

It took her little time to find them—but she’d checked all the other exam rooms along the way. Some had been cleaned, but most were dusty and dirty and in need of serious repair. If he’d had other captives here, he had only had one or two, possibly three from the condition of the rooms, here at a time.

Zoey was just speculating.

The rehab facility had housed fifteen to twenty patients at a time in private rooms, she’d read at the FCU library. On multiple floors.

Which meant, whoever else he had here now…could be on any one of those floors.

She headed for the stairs…and just kept looking.


Sydney made it back inside.She and Pen 2.0 had climbed down the side of the house, using window ledges and columns in a way Sydney wasn’t ever going to think about again.

But they’d made it.
