Page 177 of Hearing her Cries

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Vaughn, baby boy, if you don’t behave, the five fires of hell and its redheaded guardians will come for you one day. All the stories say…But if you’re good, the angels will watch over you every day.

He'd dismissed them as old stories. Still did. But now…He had found one of those angels. He just knew it.

He had been far from good. But now…he had his precious angel to redeem him. He would bebetternow.

The engines were running. On his van and Hector’s dark blue one. They were getting out. Going different directions for the first time.

It would take a few more minutes for this end of the house to go up in flames. But they were running out of time now. They needed to get moving.

The cops were at least an hour away. But that didn’t mean he wanted to wait until minute fifty-nine to get out of there. That was just stupid.

Vaughn was going to take his angel and get the hell out of here. Maybe even out of the state. At least until Crispin Maria understood how their life was going to be for now.

He would take care of her. No matter what.

He made a promise to his mama's ghost that he would.

Maybe someday, if he trusted her not to tell anyone about what was about to happen to her, he could let her do an online class sometimes. Where he could monitor what she said to other people.

He didn't want to totally change her world. But if that was what he had to do, to take care of her, then so be it.

She would understand eventually.

He'd put her in a closet on the second floor. One of the back guestrooms. Three doors down from where the little girl's room was. He thought about kicking in that kid's door. Making sure she got out of hell, too.

Hell, all he had to do was open the door. The door wasn’t locked.

He had locked her in, he was sure of it.

Where in the hell had that little girl gone?

He just couldn't do nothing and let that kid burn like that. But he couldn’t hunt Oakley down now either, damn it.

Killing kids, innocent kids, was just wrong. He’d never killed kids before. He wanted no part of that now. That was not a stain he wanted on his soul as he built his life with Crispin Maria.

The boy would be around somewhere, too. Vaughn would just take him with them, though. His precious angel could say he was her kid, or something. Theirboy.A son. He could see having a son.


They'd be a perfect little family.

Vaughn didn't have a problem with the kids at all. Not really. And he didn't want the boy to burn. She could tell people she was older, and just looked young. That way they wouldn't look at Vaughn like he was a perv or anything. They could takebothkids if he found the little girl, too.

Then they could have one or two more, if Crispin Maria wanted. She liked kids. He'd seen her with a bunch at the park before. They'd looked like her. Been part of her family.

She’d probably miss those kids a great deal.

He’d just give her Gregory’s little experiments. Make her happy. Save those kids, give her a family to replace the one he was taking her from. That kind of thing.

He’d tell her he was rescuing the three of them from Gregory forever. Be herhero,or something.

Vaughn just kicked in all the doors he could.

The boy’s door hung crookedly on its hinges. Orion wasn't anywhere to be seen. Someone had gotten there first. Panic struck.

Who? Those girls were locked up in different rooms on different floors. He’d made certain of it.

One had obviously gotten away.
